Love At First Sight Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic Part 5

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(Louis' POV)

How was I going to win her? I guess I could ask her out on a date but, I don't want to be to forward. I don't really know any other way to win her besides asking her out. I'm just going to take a shot at it. I walked over to where (Y/N) was standing. She turned toward me and smiled. "Hi Louis!" she said in excitement. "Hi (Y/N)." I said nervously. "Whats up?" she asked. "Well ummm I was thinking that ma-maybe we could um go out on a date?" I asked nervously. She stood in shock. Is that good or bad? "Of course!!" she exclaimed. Wow so now I'm dating (Y/N)! This is so great. I can't wait to tell the boys! "So how about  I pick you up around 5 tomorrow?" I said "Sounds great!" I started to walk away to tell the boys.

(Your POV)

"What did he ask you?" Erica asked. "He wanted to know.....IF I WOULD GO OUT WITH HIM!!!!!!!!" I said in excitement. "Oh my god. Really? Thats amazing!" Erica shouted. "I know tomorrow at 5!" I said with a huge smile. She smiled back. "Where's Kaylee?" I asked still with a smile on my face. "Oh shes over talking to niall." Erica said with a wink. I stared to laugh. "Hahhaha oh my gosh Erica!" I said still laughing. I looked over at Kaylee and Niall talking. "They're cute." Erica said smiling. I started to laugh again. I don't know why either because nothing was really funny but the way Erica said it was so funny. "Well lets get her and go shopping for a bit. We have some time before we go out to eat with the boys." I said walking towards Kaylee. "K!" Erica said following behind me. "Come on Kay." I said. Kaylee said bye to Niall and walked with us out the door. "Where are we going?" Kaylee asked. "Shopping." Erica replied. We walked all around LA. It was huge. We got some things and went back to the hotel. I didn't really want to stay out to long since we have to get ready to go out to eat with the boys. I was really excited about tonight.

Love At First Sight Louis Tomlinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now