24. Kitchen Confidential

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to Darklord, with thanks again for all your support!

Joy leaned against the kitchen counter, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Okay, friend," she said, in a slightly judgemental tone that seemed quite out of acharacter for her. "You're nervous. Until you lost yourself in the fort-building, you barely spoke to Ben."

"I didn't think he'd be here," Laura answered, and then realised right away that she didn't know what her friend was supposed to assume from that. She hadn't told them anything about what she'd seen at Burger Lord, so they wouldn't have a clue about her feelings for Ben. The last time she'd mentioned him to any of her friends, he had been an unattainable crush to fantasise about. "And, well... What should I be saying? He's here to help babysit."

"You really think that?" Joy said, raising an eyebrow. "He's into you, totally. And I know you're interested. This should be the happiest point in your life, when all your dreams might come true. But instead you're barely talking to him. Seriously, you need to get past that shyness."

"It's not..." Laura muttered. "I'm not shy."

"Oh, please!" Joy scoffed. "You practically jump every time his name is mentioned since last week. He's shown you how much he cares, and you were over the moon after that first date. You know now that he wants you. But you're tripping over your cold feet, and he might start thinking you don't actually want him. I thought I could make it easier if I invited him for you, but... You still need to let him know."

Laura sighed, turning to face her friend. "It's... complicated."

"Complicated? You had a date, girl, and we saw how happy you were. He's into you. He wants to help you with your sister, and he's damn good with kids. Just what you need. So what's in your way, and how do we help you get over it?"

"It's complicated," Laura repeated again, not sure what else she could say.

"Seems pretty simple to me. You like him, he likes you. Unless... he's not got like, crazy BO or something when you get closer, has he? I can't believe that."

Laura felt her cheeks flush. "No! I'm just... I'm not sure he does like me. Not like that, anyway."

Joy's eyebrows shot up. "Are you kidding? The way he looks at you? The way he's always ready to help with Rosie? Come on, Laura, wake up and smell the romance!"

"But we're into the same kind of music. Inviting me to the concert is just natural. And he loves babysitting, he's said that before. Like looking after Rosie is the aim, and I'm just an afterthought."

"You really believe that?" Joy asked, incredulous.

"No!" Laura interrupted her. "I mean, I don't know. I don't think so, but what if it is? And what about..." she stammered into silence. There was no way she could mention what she had seen at Burger Lord, when she didn't even know who that girl had been.

Joy's expression softened as she saw the genuine confusion and worry on Laura's face. "Okay, sweetie, let's take a step back. What's really bothering you? Because I'm pretty sure it's not just about whether he likes babysitting or not."

"He loves babysitting, he's made no secret of that. And that's great for me. Because Rosie needs people to help her. But then I heard something that made me wonder. Like. maybe that's all this is. I don't honestly know if he's into me at all. If I assume that and keep getting closer, I might upset him. But if he does, and... I just don't know. Whatever I assume, if I'm wrong, I could throw away all the good things he's giving me. And I can't ask him, because he probably thinks I understand where we are. Like I thought I did."

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