Branch grey x reader

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Nobody requested this; I just had this written, so I thought, why not post it here? This is basically a scenario where Branch befriends someone who understands him better. It's implied that you are a pop troll, but you can technically imagine yourself as any type of troll. I have no drawings ideas for this one.


One day, you decided to visit Branch in his bunker. He was rummaging through his supplies, as usual, when he heard your voice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded, clearly displeased.

"Relax, I just came to visit you," you replied calmly.

He sighed deeply, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well, you've visited me. You can leave now."

"Oh, come on," you protested.

He narrowed his eyes, leaning on one of his tables. "Why did you come here? Just to annoy me like the others?"

"No, I got this for you," you said, handing him a gift.

He took the gift with a bewildered expression. "What is it?" he mumbled, staring at the box in wonder.

"Just open it," you encouraged.

Branch swallowed hard before gently tearing off the wrapping. Inside was a new survival backpack. He lifted it out, inspecting it closely. "You bought me a survival backpack?"

"Yeah, I thought you might want it."

He was speechless for a moment. After his initial shock passed, he cleared his throat and mumbled, "Thanks. I—I mean, I appreciate the gift."

"No problem," you said with a smile.

Branch nodded awkwardly. "Why give a gift to someone like me?"

"You're my friend. It was about time I gave you something."

He looked even more surprised. "We're friends?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," you replied, confused by his reaction.

He stared at you, still processing the idea. "I just... I didn't think anyone, especially you, would want to be friends with me."

"Hey, just because you're anti-social doesn't mean we can't be friends," you said softly.

Branch sighed, looking away. "You're the complete opposite of me. You're outgoing, cheerful, sociable, all that good stuff. And I'm just... me."

"And I love that about you. You're very careful and caring. You always warn us about the Bergens because you want us to be safe."

Branch paused, looking up at you from the corner of his eye. "I just don't want any troll to get snatched. It's a dangerous world out there, but nobody listens to me. They call me paranoid or grumpy."

"Yeah, I'm not sure why, though. The world is dangerous."

"Exactly! That's what I've been trying to tell the others. But they call me crazy. I'm just trying to keep everyone safe!" he ranted.

"Yeah, that can be pretty frustrating. They just don't believe you because there hasn't been an attack in years. But that doesn't mean it won't happen."

"Exactly! It's always, 'Oh, Branch, no one's seen a Bergen in years! No one's gotten snatched in ages!' But that doesn't mean they're not out there!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, I get it," you said, patting his back comfortingly.

Branch stopped ranting, looking at you. He was surprised you understood him. "You're the only troll who understands. You don't think I'm being overly paranoid?"

"No, I just think you're scared, which is understandable."

He swallowed hard, nodding. "I mean... I'm not scared. I'm... worried, you know?" he said, trying to sound brave.


"Seriously though, why are you the only troll who doesn't think I'm overly paranoid or overreacting?" he asked.

"Because, believe it or not, I can be paranoid too. I don't stay long at all of Princess Poppy's parties because sometimes I overthink it, especially when they throw fireworks. They scare me."

"Fireworks scare you?" he asked, his expression softening.

"Yeah, I know it's kinda stupid."

"No, it's not stupid. I get why fireworks would scare you. They're loud, bright, and unexpected. It's not stupid," he said softly.

"No one else gets my paranoia. They just tell me to relax or take a deep breath. They don't understand it. But you get it," Branch said, his voice a bit shy.

You smiled at him softly.

Branch felt a strange flutter in his chest at your smile. He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly flustered. "I just wanted to say thanks. For actually understanding me and my paranoia. Most trolls just think I'm overreacting."

"No problem. It's what friends do."

He swallowed hard, his heart fluttering. "Y-yeah, friends..." he mumbled quietly.

Suddenly, your hug-time bracelet went off. "Oh, sorry, let me just turn it off," you said, knowing he didn't like hugs.

"You're not going to hug me?" he asked curiously.

"No, I know you're not a hugger."

Branch was surprised and... oddly touched. "Why? Everyone else always tries to hug me, even though I tell them I'm not fond of hugs."

"Because I know how uncomfortable you look when they do hug you. So I quickly figured you're not a hugger."

He was speechless for a moment. "Why? How do you... how did you realize?"

"It's not hard to figure out. You flinch when a hug-time bracelet goes off and have a look on your face that screams, 'I have to go before some troll hugs me.'"

He paused, staring at you. "How... how long have you noticed that?"

"For a while now."

"And you... never tried to hug me in that time?"

"No, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, after all."

A strange, nice feeling fluttered in his chest. "Even though you love hugging other trolls?"

"Yeah, but my love for hugging is not more important than my friend."

He was stunned, speechless even. "You actually put my comfort over your desire to hug?"

"Of course."

Branch stayed silent, feeling a mix of shock and gratitude. He mumbled a small "thank you."

"No problem. I have to go home now. See you later."

Branch nodded, watching you turn to leave. "See you later..." he mumbled, feeling a strange warmth in his chest as he watched you go.

Bonus Scene

Later that day, as Branch sat alone in his bunker, he noticed something unusual. In the corner of the room, next to his new backpack, was a small note. He picked it up and read the scribbled message: "Just a little reminder of how much you mean to me as a friend... Remember, even in the toughest times, you have a friend who understands. — Y/N"

Branch smiled softly, feeling a rare sense of warmth and appreciation. He placed the note in a special drawer, a little reminder that even in his most cautious moments, he wasn't alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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