Chapter 9

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"I want you so much," I said. Simon giggled against my chest.

"And I am right here," Simon said. I felt his hands run over my back. His touch made me feel bubbly on the inside. Still, he made me feel that way. I kissed his neck. He wore the perfume I had given him for Christmas. It smelled wonderful. Like a flower. Simon's eyes were closed and I could hear him breathe loudly in my ear. I kept kissing him on his face and finally on his lips. One of my hands was in his curls. I loved those curls. The other hand was on the belt of his trousers.

"Honey," Simon stopped me. He was giggling against my chin. "We cannot have sex here." I laughed too.

"Why not?" I replied, teasingly.

"We would get caught," Simon said.

"No, we would not," I said.

"Yes, we would. You are way too loud," Simon teased. I groaned a little. I knew he was right. We should not do such things in the city hall. "Wait until we get home, okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah, you are right. Can I kiss you a little more though?" I asked. I knew Simon thought that I used my puppy eyes, because he gave me a certain look. My goal was to stay in the bathroom a little longer, get to kiss Simon a little more and avoid anyone who wanted to smalltalk with us.

"God, Wille. What do they do to you there at military training? You are so horny," Simon replied. He was still teasing.

"They keep me away from you," I said. I knew I was being needy and maybe a little bit clingy. He was used to it and I knew he did not mind it. Our lips met again, and I kissed him like we would not be able to kiss again. Simon looked at the watch on my wrist. We needed to get back into the banquet hall, or else we would miss the next speech. It was the prime minister's turn. He was extremely boring to listen to, but it would be very rude to not be seated. We checked ourselves in the mirror, to make sure we had not wrinkled our clothes or messed up our hair too much.

"Wille!" Simon said, a bit accusingly. He was inspecting his neck, after I had kissed him there. I had given him a love bite. The bruise was a deep purple colour and very obvious.

"Opps," I said. "I am sorry, sweetheart."

"Sure you are," Simon said. He was grinning, and so was I. I planted a kiss on his forehead, and then we headed out to the banquet, hoping no one would notice the bruise on his neck.


"Simon, what has happened to your neck?" my mother asked in the car on the way home. "Have you hurt yourself?" I knew that she knew exactly how he managed to get that bruise.

"Uhm, I must have walked into something," Simon said, while blushing so hard that even our body guards in the front seat of the car probably understood that was not true.

"Was that something my son, by any chance?" mom asked.

"Mom, stop it! You make him uncomfortable," I said, to Simon's defence. My mom grinned.

"I hope that no one saw that love bite, Wilhelm," mom said. "I understand that you are very in love with your boyfriend, but please think before you act next time. Simon might have been pictured by paparazzi with that bruise on his neck, and you know how gossip magazines are." I did know how gossip magazines were.

"Well, the gossip magazines have much more revealing stuff than a hickey to play with thanks to Hannes, mom," I said. "And Simon was my date there, so there is no question about who made the love bite either."

"Not to you two, but they twist and turn everything to generate more views," my mom said.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, mom," I said. "I promise I will handle it if the media comes after us." My mom did not seem entirely convinced by that, but she did not say anything more about it. She was clearly out to tease us, more than to lecture me about my recklessness. When we arrived at the castle, I took Simon by the hand and pulled him into my bedroom. Once again, we were alone. Our lips met and I held him tight in my arms.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear, between the kisses.

"I love you too," he replied. "But I feel really sweaty and I would like to take a shower before bed." I realised that I too was a bit sweaty.

"Are you open to making that shower into a bath instead?" I asked. Simon knew what I was actually asking. He grinned and nodded. We went into the bathroom and started to undress each other. I had put the water on and made sure it was the right temperature. I added some bath salts and stuff to make it foamy. I got into the bath first and held Simon's hand as he stepped into the water too. He sat down, close to me. He rested his head on my shoulder and I buried my face in his curly hair, which still smelled like his apple scented shampoo. I held my arms around his body. I saw in our reflection that he had closed his eyes. He had a sweet little smile on his lips, telling me he was very satisfied with being exactly where he was. And so was I. There was no place I would rather be than right where I was.    

Author's note

Hello everyone! I hope you all have a nice summer!


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