Chapter 3

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Dean POV*
(After School)

I was sitting at the bleachers as the football tryouts began. I was remembering Paige. We didn't really talk today but I'm hoping I get a chance with her tomorrow. Yes I do like her alright and I know my history with girls wasn't very romantic. I don't even really call does girls my 'girlfriend' because all they do to me is cheat and lie mostly.(Ohh these hoes ain't loyal😂) But Paige is kind of different to those girls. I feel a different when I see her.

Whenever I see her my stomach starts to tighten and my skin gets very warm. I think that's what people call butterflies. Suddenly a football rolls to my feet. I look up to see Coach Johnson(The Rock),"Son give me the ball!" He yelled far away. I picked up the football and threw it at him as hard as I could. The football made a perfect spiral as Coach Johnson caught it.

Everyone started to look at me, even Coach Johnson. Coach Johnson walked up to me," What's your name boy?" He asked.

"Dean Ambrose sir."

"Oh so your the boy the teachers been talking about." Well I wasn't really surprised about that.

"Good stuff or bad stuff?" I asked with a smile.

"A mix with both." He said as we both laugh.

"Now Dean our team is actually looking for a quarterback.And what you did a few minutes ago was exactly what I was looking for." He said. Well I wasn't really good at being a jock. Since my enemy, Seth, is a jock. "So Dean what do you say?" He asked.

"I'll try my best sir." I said as he smiled at me.

"Alright get your ass up and get to practice." He said as I laugh. I got up and went to the locker room to get dress.

Paige POV*

I was walking home, I stepped on to my porch and got out my keys. Hm that's strange my mom's car isn't here. I unlock the front door, "Mum I'm home!" No answer. "Mum are you here?!" Still no answer. I went up to my mom's room there was something peeking out of her drawer.

I open the drawer and was shock to see 2 big empty bottles of Vodka and a picture of her, me, and dad. No she can't be a alcoholic. Every morning when I wake up she's always been fine-. I started to realize, was she hiding this secret from me the whole time. I started to investigate more.

I went downstairs to the kitchen. I searched through the cabinets, nothing there. I check the recycling, then there were empty bottles of beer. I run up to my room, closed the door and cry. Why did she hide this from me? Is that why I can't take out the trash and recycling? Is that why I can't go to her room? I just can't believe she would hide something like this.

This is serious. I'm worried about her and her health. She could of died. I took a deep breath and wipe my tears away. But what would happen if I talk about it to her? She's gonna be piss that I went through her stuff and we're gonna be in a huge argument. Ugh what am I gonna do?

Dean POV*

After the tryouts Roman and I went to McDonald's to eat. "Dude you killed it at tryouts! I didn't know you were that good at football." Roman said with a smile. "I mean you did hella good too. I was just their to support you." I said as he nods. "Coach said we'll find out who made the team tomorrow." He said as I nod.

"So what's with you and that Paige chick?"

"I don't know man. When I first saw her, I felt something that I haven't felt before. I felt warm I guess." I said.

"Dude it's called being in love. So you do like her?" He asked. I slowly nod as my cheeks start to heat up.

"Ohh Paige and Dean sitting on a tree k-." I cut him off.

"Okay I get it now." As we both laugh. "Don't you remember what happen between you and Brie? You guys were secretly dating, what happen to that." I asked him.

"Dean, that was last year. And well I wanted to make our relationship public but she doesn't. Its like she doesn't want me to be seen with her because I'm not where she's at in the social pyramid. We got into a huge argument and we broke up." He said with a shaky voice.

"You still love her don't you? Its pretty obvious, your voice is shaky as hell." I chuckled.

"Yeah I still love her. But I don't know if I'm good enough for her." He said with a sigh.

"We'll see dude." I said as I pat his back.


Today was a pretty crazy day. Almost two fights happen in the lunch room, Jojo was slaying Seth, and I met a British badass who is now my bestie. I was walking home, when suddenly a man started following me.

I walked a little bit faster but he started running towards me. I run for it, I was fucking scared, I didn't know what to do. He caught me and put his arms around my waist tightly. I started screaming,"HELP!!! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" I started kicking and squirming around to break loose.

Suddenly the guy got hit in the head. I quickly turn around and I see John beating up the guy. When the guy was pretty knocked out, John looked at me, "Are you okay? I heard you screaming and I got worried." He was worried about me? "Um yeah I'm fine, just scared that's all." I started shaking and my skin was cold.

"Hey hey, calm down its alright your safe now. No one is gonna hurt you okay because I'm here. Come on Aj I'll walk you home. " He said. While we walked to my house, we talked about school, new video games, superheroes, and Ninja Turtles. We arrived at my house. I took one step on my porch.

I turned around and I was about the exact height as John. "Um John, I just want to say thank you for saving me earlier and thanks again for walking me home safely." I said as I hugged his huge body. He smelled like grass and sweat because of football tryouts. Ew.

"Hey no problem. I'm just glad that your safe." He said as we let go. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Aj alright." He said as we say goodbye and he walks away.

I went inside my house and went to my room. My mom was at work right now so she'll be here in a hour. I lay down at my bed and look up at the ceiling thinking, do I still like John? I imagine him like Superman, saving my life today and winning my heart. I turned on the radio as this song comes up:

"...She's just watching the clouds roll by and they spell her name like Lois Lane
And she smiles, oh the way she smiles
She's talking to angels, counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers, falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms yeah, in his arms yeah
Waiting for Superman"

She smiled and hum the lyrics as she's in her own little world. Was John really her Superman.

Wassup guys! We got some Ambraige going on yass!! Also we got some AjCena going on. I always love Aj and John since they were put together in WWE. Alright let's see who made the team. What will Ambrose do to talk to Paige? What will Aj do with the John and Nikki problem? Find out in the next chapter. I love you guys!

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