Chapter 2

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Wind swirled through the trees, making the branches and leaves swirl around. Squirrels scampered around moving through the under brush. One moved up to a tan colored hand that was rested on a rock. It moved around the hand, sniffing it. Its nose brushed up against the finger. That slight action made the fingers twitch a bit. It lifted its head up and looked to see a brown haired woman laying on a bed of moss.

Her head lifted up and looked at the squirrel. It cocked its head at her before turning and scampering off. She watched its bushy tail disappear into some brush. The wind blew over her again and she sighed contently. Sitting back on her knees, her legs were at a right angle resting in the moss. A splitting headache cut through her head making her rub the heal of her hand against her forehead.

She scented a copper smell making her stop and open her eyes. She pulled back when she saw her right hand was covered in blood. Looking down she saw she was nude. However her current state wasn't what shocked her. What shocked her were the splotches of blood that were over her breast and her stomach. Turning to her left she looked to see the broken and shredded body of a deer laying next to her. She gasped loudly pushing back from the dead animal.

"The first change is always the strongest, and the worst" a voice said from behind her.

Turning slowly she looked to see a man she knew, a teacher of hers. His brown hair had some grey in it and was bald down the middle. His beard was connected to his hair as was his mustache. He wore loose fitting pajama style clothing. He smiled at her before tossing her a duster coat. She caught it and looked at it before slowly looking back to him.

"Sikowitz, what's going on?" She questioned in a shaky and raspy voice.

"You are a lycanthrope, a werewolf" he responded, no humor in his voice, not like his usual tone.

"Werewolves don't exist" she responded gaining more of her voice as she put the coat on.

"You're right, there must be some logical reason for you to wake up naked in a moss bed with a dead deer next to you" he quipped walking over to a rock. He sat on it and smirked at her. She just looked at him as she buttoned the coat up. "Tori, you are a werewolf now, like I am a werewolf. We are one of four immortal races. Werewolves, vampires, demons, and fallen angels" he explained watching her as she looked down at her hands.

"All that stuff really exist?" She questioned softly to herself.

"It does, and you're now a member of werewolves" he said making her head turn to look at him. "Werewolves were the answer to vampires while fallen angels are the answer to demons" he said his eyes locking with hers. "I'm sorry Tori, you're now in a war. A war of good and evil. And sometimes the lines are blurred" he spoke out making her head lower as she thought of it.

"I don't want this, any of this" she said softly, a few tears appearing in her eyes.

"I didn't either, but shit happens. Life throws us curve balls, sometimes they are a lot different than we expect" he said standing up, his hand extending to hers. She looked at him before slowly reaching her hand out and taking his. He helped her up but her legs were like that of jelly. Falling she let out a yelp of shock before suddenly Sikowitz caught her. "That'll ware off once you're use to the change" he said offering a kind smile as they walked back towards her house.

Her mind was a jumble of information. She is now a werewolf, a monster. To top it off she's just been thrown into a war between good and evil. It was severely getting to her, a world that she never knew existed was just suddenly thrown at her. Her hazel eyes darted around taking in every detail around her as she thought on the subject.

"I will help you to control the beast within you, it'll take time. Of course, time's all you got now. Someday you'll be able to control both the skin walker phase and the lycan phase. Once that happens you will be a force to be reckoned with" he spoke making her lift his head up to her.

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