Chapter Eight

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Sunny was helping three other seawings carry Tsunami back into the palace when she heard another explosion. She looked back to the village and watched a large flame rise into the sky. Starflight! She thought.

"Another one?" One of the seawings spoke.

"Wait, we need to go back." Sunny replied.

"What about her." The seawing motioned to Tsunami.

Sunny looked between the village and the sea, then sighed.

"Alright, lets get going, but quickly." She replied.

They took flight and made their way back to the summer palace. He better be okay. Sunny thought He better be.

It took them longer than expected to reach the Summer Palace, but they eventually made their way through the underwater entrance. Queen Coral was sitting their waiting for them, and rushed up to her daughter.

"Take her to the infirmary immediately." She ordered, then turned to Sunny. "What happened?"

"She was just talking with some skywings and other seawings when there was this... explosion." Sunny told her.

Coral growled. "I'll destroy those skywings."

Tsunami gasped and jerked away from the seawings that were carrying her.

"Where's Riptide?" She called.

"You were the first to get back, we don't know where anybody else is." One of the seawings told her.

"I have to go find him."

"No." Sunny replied. "Michael used his magic to heal you, he said you need to rest for two days, or you could hurt yourself."

Coral nodded, and the seawings blocked her from leaving. "If Michael was there, Riptide is fine, now go rest. I'll make sure he is brought to you as soon as possible."

Tsunami sighed, and walked out of the room. Coral turned to some of the seawing guards.

"I want you all on high alert, send extra guards to every village." She ordered.

They nodded, and dove into the tunnel to relay the news.

"I need to go back." Sunny told the queen, and turned to leave.

"No, it's too dangerous, your mother would have my head if you got hurt." Coral replied.

"Starflight's still out there." Sunny replied. "And there was another explosion."

Coral sighed. "All the more reason for you to stay, there could be more."

"But he could be hurt."

Coral gave her a slight smile. "I know how you feel, but he'll be alright. For the same reason that Riptide will."

"So, you trust Michael now?"

"I have too now, he healed Tsunami." Coral sighed.

A few more seawings walked out of the tunnel with wounded, and they were rushed to the infirmary. Sunny watched them, and felt her heart drop when Starflight wasn't one of them. Coral gave her a sympathetic look, before walking off to talk to the new seawings. Sunny laid down next to the entrance and waited for Starflight.

Sunny opened her eyes, and looked up at the roof of the cave. There was some light, which told her that it was early morning. She looked around, and started to panic. Starflight hasn't come back yet, what happened? Is he okay? Is he alive? She waited for a few more hours, feeling her heart fall to her stomach, before Starflight eventually limped through the entrance. Sunny rushed up to him and gasped when she saw his condition. There were a couple long gashed along his left side, and he had a few burns on his snout and body. The gash on his leg was still bleeding, but he smiled at her when she approached him. She quickly nuzzled him, avoiding the burns.

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