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Author's note: Hey, I'm glad you gave this story a chance. I don't know how you came to find it but I'm glad you did.

P.S. You'll find it a bit different and I'll do my best to be non-cliche☺.

Lalisa's POV:

I looked at the lit up screen of my phone and realized I was beyond late for Zara's birthday, my bestie. I could just imagine her frown and disappointed look as I would step inside the club late... and I was dreading it. Zara would be upset with me when I promised I would be right on time.

I stepped on the gas of my Honda  dangerously. It zapped through the beautiful Manhattan streets, bursting with nightlife. I could've taken time to relish this moment since I loved late-night driving but now wasn't the time.

More important stuff awaited.

Reaching my destination, I got out of the car, closed the door. Standing outside of the address that Zara had texted me, the place looked really...glitzy.

Nothing I expected.

Its white neon lights beamed brightly and reflected on the pendant of my necklace. My heart started beating fast and my palms broke into a cold sweat as I walked towards the one bouncer that stood at the main entrance.

The bouncer was dressed in a black leather coat, black baggy jeans, a gold chain and glasses that looked like designer stuff. Totally haute couture.

He had a good fashion sense, I'll give him that. His jet-black messy hair gleamed in the white light, adding to his mysterious look.

This club must be really posh to have bouncers like this guy.

He looked at me in a condescending manner, and I felt like running away. He looked intimidating, from the way his stance read mystery and confidence seemed to emanate from him.

God, I'm done for!

Gathering my courage, I walked up the stairs, showed him my invitation without a word and was just about to get in when he pulled me back by the arm.

"Not so fast, Ms Whatever. You're not invited," he silkily whispered by the shell of my ear, his words leaving me confused. Fuzzled. What?!

"Excuse me, how am I not invited when I just showed you my invitation? And get off my arm," I said as I yanked his strong grip from my arm. His strong grip was starting to hurt a bit.

His jaw ticked slightly. "And where do you think you're going exactly?" he asked, looking at me like I was some creepy rat drenched from the rain scurrying to get in.

That demeaning tone of his was doing a good of irking me. Maybe because I had had a bad day. Or both.

"Isn't it obvious I'm going inside the club?" I folded my arms to my chest.

Why is he being so rude?

I've had a bad day already with endless ballet exercises that gave me an ankle sprain and was late for my bestie's birthday apparently. And now, this rude guy wasn't making things better.

"You're not invited." he simply pointed out. I couldn't see his eyes right then because he was wearing dark-tinted glasses, but from the way his jaw was clenched, anyone could've figured out he was angry at God who knows what.

"Excuse me, mister, but didn't I just show you my invitation a couple minutes ago?" I asked brandishing the invitation in front of his eyes jusy in case he wasn't seeing that well.

His voice was unfeeling as a stone, making me fuzzled as to why he was being unreasonably hostile. "You're not invited. You don't even look the part. I know that's what most of you paparazzi say when you wanna stalk me, but you're not getting in."

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