Cheaper 1: How did my life come to this | A Normal Day

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Hello everyone is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka and it might be a bit wired question. But do you all think a bad person can ever change their ways of life? I thought no matter what they did or do they will all way be the same and never change. But however I know that it is not true and person can change. It because it have happen to me.

Ever since childhood my father never even care for me and he never let me see my own mother. He have make me a horrible person to see people only as tools to used. I really thought I will be like this for the rest of my life but people that care for me have really save me from the mindset. Here that story of the people who have change my life.

Ayanokoji Dorm Room

???: Hello Senpai are you awake yet? Is time to wake up so please get up~ A testing voice comes to his ears as he started to wake up

Ayanokoji: Mm? He wake up to see and feel Ichika weight as she is humping on top of him

Ayanokoji thought it was nice to see her cute face early in the morning. But at the same time he would appreciate her a bit more if she stop waking him up this violently every time she come over. But even if Ayanokoji asked her to stop she won't do it. Ayanokoji just raise his arm and give her a headpat to signal her to clam down now since he up.

Ayanokoji: Good morning Ichika I can see that you have a lot of energy as usual. But I do appreciate if you stop this. He say while yawning and now sit up on the bed

Ichika: Haha good morning Senpai and also, you know I can't do that. She say before she give him a tight hug with a cute smile

Ayanokoji: I guess you are right about that. I still hope you clam down a bit when you come to wake me up. He say while hugging her back with a little smile

???: Hey I can see you finally up Senpai. We gonna have to go to classes soon. So please get ready and come for breakfast. Another familiar voice coming from his kitchen

Ayanokoji can see Nanase coming from that kitchen with some food that she have make. She was a other Kouhai of his that come with Ichika to wake him up. After getting ready he when to sit at the table with his 2 kouhai

Ayanokoji: Thank for making me breakfast. I really grateful every time. He say

Nanase: Haha it no problem Senpai and I'm really happy that you enjoy my food. She say with a cute little smile

Ichika: But I see think Senpai like my foods better Nanase. She say with a smirk

Nanase: You never cook for him Ichika and also, he only cook for you. She say

Ichika: Mm.. I know Nanase but you never know I might be a better cook than you. She say still smirking at her

Ayanokoji: Now now Ichika I want you stop testing Nanase or no more dates for you. He say trying to clam them down

Ichika pouting: Mm!? You two are no fun at all. She say before eating her food again

Ayanokoji mind: *Sigh* What will I do with this girl. Ichika a nice girl but she really like testing people a lot. He thought before eating his food again before going to school

After Ayanokoji done eating his breakfast he kiss both Ichika and Nanase on the forehead before going to class. Ayanokoji can't believe that life he have right now. He have a secret that no one at school know about. Also, that secret is that he have a harem and this all happen last year before his 2st year. Also, he don't even know what going to happen if anyone find out about his secret harem.

Class 2D

Ayanokoji: Mm? Good Morning Suzune see like you here early as usual. He say before walking up to her

Horikita: Good morning Kiyotaka. She says with a cute smile on her face

Ayanokoji wake up to her and lean to her to give her a light kiss on the cheek. It was a quick one but it still make Suzune blush a bit.

Horikita blushing: Eh!? Be careful what will happen if someone see us baka.. She say while pouting and looking away

Ayanokoji: Haha sorry Suzune I can't help myself and your reaction all way very cute. He say while smirking at her

Horikita was now all red so she hidden her face with her book while she glared at him

Ayanokoji mind: Haha so cute. He say before he when to his seat to wait for class to start

After few minutes later Ayanokoji classmate begin to come one by one. I noticed some of girls from his harem say hi or good morning to him. Since he don't want get attention so he only waved his hand at them with a smile. Not too long after Sae come in the classroom to start the class. Her eyes look at everyone with her usual cold and clam face.

When her gaze stop at Ayanokoji her see soften a bit before going back to her normal cold and clam eyes. Only the girls who was from his harem have noticed it. Chiaki and Haruka have smug faces, while Suzune and Kei pouting a bit, and the other have jealous look on their faces see them flirting.

Sato/Nene mind: Both Chabashira sensei and Kiyotaka are so bold for flirting with each other in the middle of the class. She thought while hiding their smile with their notebook

Kikyo mind: This old shameless hag flirting with Kiyotaka in front of us. She thought while hiding her anger behind a smile

Airi/Kokoro mind: Mm? What going on why they have those faces to Chabashira Senpai? They thought while innocently have no idea what going on in that moment

Ayanokoji mind: *Sigh* Just why do my girls have to be so jealous sometime? I hope I will have a clam day. He thought to himself

Few Minutes Later / It beark time

Suzune turns around and intends to look for Kiyotaka to talk with him about something but his seat was empty. Also, Ayanokoji was not anywhere in the classroom either.

Kei mind: Ah mou!? Kiyotaka you big baka!? She yell to herself while knowing & realizes where Ayanokoji might be at this moment

Chiaki mind: Haha we do have jealous girls in this family? She thought before turns to Maya and Nene to talk about girls stuff

Haruka: Haha what do you think Kiyopon doing right now with Chabashira sensei Airi? She whisper to her with a smile

Airi Blushing: Har.. Haruka.. Don't say thing like that.. She whisper back feeling shy and embarrassed of what she just hear

Haruka: Haha you are so innocent Airi and I love this side of you. She say before hugging her with a big smile on her face

Jealous members mind: Ahh Kiyotaka baka why are you doing with Chabashira sensei!? They yell while feeling very jealous

With Ayanokoji and Chabashira sensei

Ayanokoji mind: *Achoo* I have a feeling that girls is thanking and talking about me.. I hope I will survive today. He say

Ms. Chabashira: Kiyotaka why did you stop? You know I can't stop myself when I like this. She say while kissing his T rex

Ayanokoji: Ah.. Chabashira sensei.. We need to stop.. doing this at school. He say while he looking down at her and blushing a bit

Ms. Chabashira: Haha you need to take that responsibility for making your sensei like this. She say before showing him her 2 holds with a smile on her face

Ayanokoji: *Sigh* All right than sensei you asked for this. But don't blame me for what happened next. He say before he push his T rex inside of her pussy

To be continued

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