Chapter 5: I think we need a little break

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1 Month Later / Shinohara was going to her boyfriend to pick he up for their date

It have been a month since Shinohara have find out about Ayanokoji secret. Also, ever since that day she can't get that image out of her mind and she can't even look at him in the eyes anymore either. When Shinohara try to talk or look at Ayanokoji her mind go back to that day. So Shinohara just started to ignore and avoid Ayanokoji to get that image out of her mind when it happen.

But even when Shinohara started to ignore and avoid Ayanokoji it didn't help her. Also, when she do it with her boyfriend Ike she can't feel good as she used to. When they did it Shinohara can't help but image Ayanokoji that one who is doing her. She don't know what to do and how to move from it. But it's all changed when Shinohara when to her boyfriend room to pick he up for their date.

Shinohara pov

Shinohara mind: *Sigh* I can't believe this... I'm a bad girlfriend... I have a boyfriend and I need to stop doing this but... She thought

Shinohara mind: Every time I try to forgot it and move on from it I can't do it.. I keep on image Ayanokoji in front of me.. She thought

Shinohara mind: Maybe this date with Kanji will help me. Also, it be a while since we go on a date together. She thought before she finally there and take out her copy key

Shinohara mind: Yes this will help me I sure of it an.. She stop and hear some wired noise coming from Kanji room but she when inside

Shinohara: Hey Kanji what is the noise? Also, are you ready for our date today? I all ready to... She stop again and find a very shocked sight in front of her

In front of her she find her boyfriend Kanji masturbating to a picture of Ichinose. Also, she see his friend Yamauchi doing that same thing but with a picture of Airi and Haruka next to him. Shinohara can't even believe her eyes right now to see her boyfriend doing something like this before her back.

Shinohara: Ka.. Kanji? She say with a weak voice with a upset look on her face

Ike: Satsuki!?! He yell in surprised and stop what he was doing

Shinohara: How could you do this Kanji.. I did everything for you and this how you return my love... She say while getting ready to cry in front of him

Ike: Wait Satsuki!? Please listen to me this isn't what it look like I swear!? This was all Yamauchi idea!? He make me do it!? He yell

Yamauchi: Eh what a fucking liar!? You the one who say you wasn't satisfied with your relationship with her!? Don't put the blame on to me Ike!? He yell back at him

Yamauchi: Eh what a fucking liar!? You the one who say you wasn't satisfied with your relationship with her!? Don't put the blame on to me Ike!? He yell back at him

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Shinohara: ..... So.. that how you really feel... How long have you being doing this behind my back Kanji.. She asked and don't know what to feel at that moment like this

Ike: Satsuki I.. He stop

Shinohara: ANSWERING MY QUESTION KANJI!? She yell at him and now crying

Ike: ...... For a few day's... He finally answer while looking down feeling very guilty

Shinohara: I'm leaving... I think we need a break... She say before walking to the door

Ike: PLEASE WAIT!? I'm sorry we can talk it out just get me sometime to explain myself!? He yell while getting up from the ground

Shinohara: I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!? She yell before run out of the room and start to crying a lot more

Ike: Sa.. Satsuki.. He say before fall down on to the ground feeling very guilty

Yamauchi mind: Wow that just happened... He thought while looking at Ike crying

Shinohara still running away after finding out that her boyfriend was doing things behind her back for some time now. When Shinohara was running away from the sight she run into Ayanokoji who just getting back from the store. Ayanokoji asked what going on and ask if she want to talk about it back in his room. She was going to rejected that offer since she was not in the mood but she want to talk with someone so she agreed.

Ayanokoji Dorm Room / Shinohara expired what happen and the reason she was upset

Ayanokoji: Wow I can't believe Ike have did that to you Shinohara. I'm sorry to hear that I don't know what to say. He say with on of his hand on her back while he comfort her

Shinohara: No it fine Ayanokoji. But I'm still hurt that after everything I have did for him. He will do something like this behind my back like he don't care about our relationship. She say still crying

Ayanokoji: Hey don't worry about it at the moment Shinohara. Just take you time to get all your thoughts together. She say before he continued his words

Ayanokoji: Also, this break make help you 2 think about your relationship and see what your next step will be. So please take your time Shinohara. He say before give her a hug

Shinohara: Thank Ayanokoji.. I guess I know why Kei feel in love with you. You are really good at comfort people and give them good advice. She say while hugging him back

Ayanokoji: Haha no problem Shinohara and If you even need someone to talk to or listen I'm all way here. I all way here to talk or listen to your problem. He say

Shinohara: Eh Really? You really going to do that for me after everything I say to you? She asked with a bit of a surprised look

Ayanokoji: Of course Shinohara. Also, you a classmate and a friend so I want to help. I'm not good at talking to other but I all way here to help a friend. He said with a smile

Shinohara mind: This.. this is my frist time I ever see Ayanokoji smiling.. He have a soft smile and he is kind too.. Maybe this are the reason why Kei and the other have falling in love with him. She thought while starting to blushing a bit when she looking at him

Shinohara mind: Wh.. what is this feeling... Why can't I control my body.. She thought while getting closer to Ayanokoji face

Ayanokoji: Anyway it getting very late and we have school tomorrow. Do you want me to walk.. He stop and have a very shocked look before noticed that she kiss him on his lip

After a few minutes they separate from each other. After a moment Shinohara was now all red realized what she have done. Feeling very guilty that she not only kiss a other guy when she have a boyfriend but it was her friend boyfriend.

Shinohara: I'm really sorry Ayanokoji!? I.. I didn't mean to do that.. I.. I have to go!? She say before get up from the couch and run to the door with a very red face

Ayanokoji: Wait!? Shinohara it fine I.. He stop and now was alone in his home

Ayanokoji mind: What just happened... Also, why did Shinohara did that.. He thought

Ayanokoji mind: *Sigh* How will I explain this to Kei and the other.. I will be in really big trouble with them if they find out about this.. He thought still feeling a bit surprised of what just happened a moment a ago

With Shinohara

Shinohara mind: Why why why why!? Why did I do that!? I can't believe I kiss my friend boyfriend on the lip!? She thought while still running away from Ayanokoji Dorm

Shinohara mind: What should I do now and what will happen if anyone find out what I did!? She yell to herself feeling guilty

Shinohara mind: But.. I kind of like it.. No no no no!? I CAN'T BE THINKING THAT!? THAT IS SO WRONG IN SO MANY LEVELS!? She keep on yelling at herself all the way back to her dorm room with a red face

To be continued

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