Cheaper 6: Is this a date or a hang out between friends?

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Few Week's Later / Shinohara was going to met up with Ayanokoji at the mall

It been few week's since Shinohara find out that Kanji was doing some things behind her back for a while. Also, since Shinohara kiss Ayanokoji and now having very mix feelings about their friendship. Both Ayanokoji and Shinohara started to act bit wired ever since the kiss. Everyone's in the classroom noticed it but didn't think so much of it but however Ayanokoji harem have a different idea. But they trust Ayanokoji so they let it go this time.

Also, while Shinohara and Kanji have their break from their relationship. They don't really talk or hang out a lot anymore either. Shinohara thought she will move on and she will make up with Kanji but it didn't happen that way. On a Sunday Morning Shinohara get a call from Kei if she want to hang out just the 2 of them. She agreed to it and when out to the meet with her but it was a trap. Here what happen on a Sunday morning.

The Mall Gate

Shinohara mind: Mm.. Where is Kei at? Did she give me the wrong place? No no Kei is not like that. She thought

Shinohara mind: Maybe she was still getting ready or something. But however I know that Kei is not that type of person. So what is the reason tha.. She stop thinking and hear  someone walking up to her

Shinohara: Kei you finally make it and here I thought yo.. She stop talking and noticed it isn't Kei who was walking up it was Ayanokoji

Ayanokoji: Yes Kei for our Date an.. He stop and noticed it was Shinohara in front of him

Ayanokoji: Shinohara? What are you doing here? He asked with a confused look

Shinohara: I want to know the same thing. I get a call from Kei that she want to hang out with me today. What are you doing here? She asked back after answering his question

Ayanokoji: Well Kei call me as well and says she want to go on a date today. He answer before get a text from Kei and Shinohara get one as well

( Text message from Kei for both of them )

Message for Shinohara from Kei

Kei message: I'm very sorry Shinohara but I lie to you. I didn't want it come to this but I having a feeling that you guys are avoiding each other so I help. Please forgive me I just want you 2 to be good friend again.

Message for Ayanokoji from Kei

Kei message: Sorry Kiyotaka but I have to lie to you. I have a feeling that you are acting a bit cold and trying to avoid Shinohara. I just help you 2 to talk it out so please hang out with each other today. Thank and I love you Kiyotaka please forgive me haha.

( After reading the text message from Kei )

Ayanokoji/Shinohara mind: Just great what I do now.. They thought while looking at each other feeling a bit nervous

Ayanokoji: Um.. You look good Shinohara.. It my first time seeing you out of uniform and in those type of clothes but it look very good on you. He say with a honest voice

 He say with a honest voice

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