Chapter 4: Shinohara find out about Ayanokoji little Secret

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Few Day's Later / Shinohara was going to Ayanokoji Dorm for her study

It was a Friday afternoon and the school day was finally over for the day. Shinohara was now going to Ayanokoji Dorm room to do some studying together. Also, Ayanokoji and Shinohara relationship is a bit complicated but they have started to talk to each other for a bit. Also, this happen when Kei asked Ayanokoji if he can help her friend Shinohara with her study. It was going to be hard since she don't really like Ayanokoji very much for some reason. He was going to rejected the offer to help Shinohara.

But Ayanokoji didn't can't rejected the offer since Kei was giving him the puppy eye's. It was really hard for Ayanokoji to rejected a offer from his girls when they give him that puppy eyes. So Ayanokoji agreed to it and he started to help Shinohara with her study. But it was a bit hard at the start but she have come around but she still have her eyes on him to make sure he don't do anything wired when they are alone together.

Shinohara pov

Shimoneta mind: *Sigh* I still can't believe that Kei asked Ayanokoji to help me with my study for the past few day's. I don't really trust him.. But he is a good teacher just like Kei say. He thought

Shinohara mind: But I still don't really trust him or trust him of dating my friend. I don't know why I don't trust him.. I just don't.. She thought still walking to Ayanokoji room

Shinohara mind: But whatever I don't need to think about that at the moment... But I'm still a bit worry about my relationship with Kanji... She thought before started thinking about her boyfriend Ike Kanji

Shimoneta mind: We have be dating for a few month's. But for the past 2 week's he stop or don't really give me a lot of attention anymore. She thought before finally make it to Ayanokoji dorm room

Shinohara mind: Well let get this over it. She thought before take out a copy key that Kei let her to used when Ayanokoji don't answer the door or when he busy with something

Shinohara walk inside his room

Shinohara: Hey Ayanokoji are you here? I'm here on time an... She stop and noticed that Ayanokoji was not in his room

Shinohara mind: Did Ayanokoji when out or something? Mm... this is my chance to see what kind of man he really is. She thought before looking around his home

Few Minute's Later / Shinohara was really surprised and shocked while blushing

Shinohara didn't find anything dirty or bad in his home. Shinohara thought that she just overthinking things and thought that he might just be a quiet guy. But when she get a thought of apologize to him when Ayanokoji come back she hit a box of dxd that was in the corner of his bedroom. She was going to put it back but get a better ideas. Shinohara take out his laptop see what the DVD have & what she find make her a blushing mess. She can't believe what she just find.

Shinohara blushing: I can't believe what I just find about Ayanokoji... Here I thought I will give him a chance.. She thought

Shinohara blushing: I need to tell Kei about this and to let her know that her boyfriend is just a cheater. She thought before calming herself down a bit

Shinohara: Okay I really need to... She have stop and hear the front door have open

Shinohara mind: I will give you a piece of my mind for cheating on Kei. Also, to show tha... She stop again and she get a better idea before hiding inside of the closet

Shinohara mind: I will show the school how bad of a person you are Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. I will make yo... She stop once again before seeing a very shocked sight in front of her

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