Chapter 2: Have a long night with 2 Senpai

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After the break Ayanokoji return to the class and take his seat. Also, Ayanokoji pretend like nothing happene, trying ignoring all of the jealous and upset gazes he was getting from the girls. He know he will be in very big trouble if they know what he did.

Few Hour's Later / It was time for lunch

The lunch room

Ayanokoji mind: Some how I escape from all of them. But I know later on or tomorrow I will be in big trouble with them. He thought while going to the tube that Airi and Haruka was waiting for him to eat lunch together

Ayanokoji mind: Today, I'm having lunch with Haruka and Airi. He thought before he see that they have choose a quiet corner in the lunch room before walk up to them

Ayanokoji: Hey Airi Haruka did I keep you 2 wait long? He asked before taking his seat in the middle of them

Haruka: Haha don't worry Kiyopon we just get here. So we didn't wait long right Airi? She asked with a smile on her face

Airi: Hey she right Kiyotaka we didn't wait long. She agreed with her

Ayanokoji: Okay that good to know. He says before Haruka and Airi give him a bento

The bento have rice with octopus sauages and omelette with some sauce on it. its was a very simple meal yet it very delicious. Also, most of the times, my meals are prepared by the girls. Also, other time I cook for them or we just go out to eat. They was talking to each other about the lesson and minor stuff that happened recently before Haruka turns to Ayanokoji suddenly with a question that make Airi blushing a bit.

Haruka: So where were you at break time Kiyopon? She teases him with a smirk

Airi becomes very shy and her face quickly turns red. But she some how still looking at Ayanokoji eyes attentively to know too

Ayanokoji: Well I just have some business to do and I just need to talk about it with Chabashira sensei. He say with a monotone voice while looking at her

Haruka: Eh, Really? I didn't know Kiyopon business is having fun with Chabashira sensei right Airi? Haruka ask sarcastically

Airi blushing: .... She doesn't know what to say in return, but buries her own head into her breasts like an ostrich

Ayanokoji: Than Haruka, do you want to have some business with me after school? He say while looking straight in Haruka eyes

But Haruka doesn't even flinch at my sight. She leans over and gets very close to his ears with one of her hand on his leg

Haruka: Haha oh my sweet Kiyopon~❤️ I'm gonna drain you empty when my turn comes so prepare yourself ❤️" Her seduce voice whispers through his ears

Ayanokoji: .... His blood was now started to boils a bit & before he lost control of himself he calming himself down

Ayanokoji mind: Haruka such a cute & sexy succubus at time. He thought while blushing a bit of what just happened

Haruka sits back to her chair, but her eyes was now glittering with hearts and her eyes was still glued to him. Even though Haruka whispered it, Airi was still able to hear it clearly. Also, her face gets even redder, but however her eyes was now in heat while having hands on both sides of her cheeks.

Ayanokoji mind: I'm very happy that I have control myself and happy that we are not in public right now. Knowing we might just throw ourself at each other like beasts that just escape from their cages. He thought

After sometime they have finally their lunch. he quickly kiss both of them on the cheek without nobody noticed it before returning to class. Also, school almost over too.

Few Hour's Later / School was finally over

Ayanokoji have after school plan to hanging out with Honami, Mako, Yume, and Chihiro. All of them when to karaoke for a little bit before their secret date. Well nobody would know that since they look like a group of good friends just hanging out. They go to the mall to buy some clothes and later on, they go to a restaurant to have some sushi for dinner.

All 4 girls take turn feeding Ayanokoji the food while he do the same to each of them in return. After dinner they take a walk in the school park for a bit while holding each other hands as they walk side by side. They talk about their school day and other stuff. It was now 6:30pm they return to the dorm and before they go to their own room's Ayanokoji kiss each of them a goodbye kiss.

Ayanokoji Dorm Room

Ayanokoji mind: I finally back to my room. As usual it was a long day for me. He thought take a sit on the couch in the living room

Ayanokoji mind: To be honest, I really enjoy my time with my girls. But for someone like me, it take a toll on my mental health. But I can take it if it can be tried at time. He thought while thanking about his life

Ayanokoji mind: Mm.. Well I still have some good time for myself before tonight guest's come over. He thought to himself

Ayanokoji take a bath and he enjoy the hot water a lot since it help relaxing his muscle after a extended day. Than Ayanokoji take some tea and down on his bed to continue the book that he haven't finished yet. But at the moment he get to a good part of his book the door bell rings. He get up and when to open the door to see two girls in front of him. It was Nazuna and Fuka two upperclassmen that he knew since last year.

Nazuna: Good evening Kouhai thanks for having us over. She say while walk inside

Fuka: Haha thank for having us. She says as she walk inside as well behind Nazuna

Ayanokoji mind: *Sigh* Well I guess it time for a long night. He thought before close the door before anyone see them

Ayanokoji: I hop... He stop talking and now was blushing a bit of what he it seeing now

When Ayanokoji turn around he have find out that both of them have already took off their clothes only leaving their lingerie on. Nazuna has a green set, white Fuka has a red one. They look so attractive in them that Ayanokoji can't not take his eyes off their sexy and beautiful body.

Fuka holds his hand and pulls him to the bed that Nazuna is currently kneel down on the bed waiting for him. Nazuna opens her arm and hug around his neck she than gives him a smooch on his lips, on his cheeks, on his neck, and than on his lips again. This time her tongue sneakily attack into his mouth and body. On his right side Fuka was hugging him at the waist kissing him as well.

Nazuna: Haha now than Kiyotaka time for the real fun~❤️ She say before she pull down his pants and releases the beast

Nazuna: Haha no matter how many times I see it Kiyotaka, I probably will never stop admiring your size. She say with a perv smile

Faku: Haha I won't disagree with you and she so right Kouhai. Your have the biggest one that I ever see. She say while agreed with Nazuna with a smile

After a long gaze, Nazuna started to kisses the beasts head slowly for a few times before she opens her mouth wide and swallow it whole. She holds it in her mouth tightly and deeply, before she starts to move her head. Than Nazuna releases it and switches to play with it body using her long tongue to move around it like a snake. After that, she grabs the beast and start focusing her mouth on its head.

Ayanokoji mind: Mmm.. I can't believe that Nazuna is sucking on it... He thought while he give her some headpat and noticed she is smile back at him with her eyes

Fuka pouting: Aw Nazuna don't keep it all to yourself I want it as well. She say while she looking at her with a little pouting look

Nazuna: Sorry Fuka I can't help myself.. This monster dick is just so amazing ~❤️ She say while looking up at her and still sucking it

Ayanokoji: Now now calm down girls I won't go anywhere. So please don't fight okay. He say while giving both of them headpat

Ayanokoji mind: Well I guess I need to go all out to satisfied their needs tonight. I will be very tired in the morning.. He thought

Fuka, Nazuna, and Ayanokoji when at it all night like animals in heat. Also, Ayanokoji didn't hold back and make sure that each of them was satisfied. After a long carzy night Ayanokoji wake up next day to a satisfy look on both Fuka and Nazuna face.

To be continued

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