Chapter 4 ~ the mate thing ~

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"you have to be the most stubborn, reckless person I have ever met" Ngusoi said as they sat on a boulder half way back to the nearest village.

"I keep telling you I don't have a choice, look I didn't ask you to tag along with me so if I'm pissing you off so much just leave" Oon said.

"not gonna' happen Oon so stop trying to offload me" Ngusoi began.

"if you're doing this because of the mate thing, I'm not going to change my mind" Oon said.

"I'm doing it because you need help but you're too damn stubborn to ask" Ngusoi replied.

"I just need to rest for a little while and then I'll be ok" Oon said.

"yeah and when we get back to your hotel you'll need the dressing changing and you'll need to rest or were you planning on working?"

"my first plan is to contact my boss not that it's any of your business"

"wrong again, I'm taking responsibility, you kept saying how it was my fault that you hurt your foot so ..." Ngusoi shrugged.

"look, if that's what you want to do be my guest but don't expect me to change my mind about the mate thing" Oon said

After about thirty minutes Oon stood up again and began to walk slowly, Ngusoi wanted to carry him but he kept refusing.

"how did you get to the cave anyway? you never did say?" Oon asked his travel companion as they walked.

"I  have a very indentifiable car so I left it in the city and jumped on a coach then hiked my way up to the cave"

"and you're calling me reckless, what if something happened to you and you couldn't call anyone"

Ngusoi shrugged, he didn't want to tell Oon that he had his own cell phone in his bag, he hadn't told him because the plan was to keep his mate with him for a little while longer and what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"why didn't you hire a car instead?" Oon asked him.

"I didn't want to leave a paper trail" Ngusoi admitted.

"are you that important?" Oon asked and Ngusoi shrugged.

A couple of hours later, they entered the village where Oon's small hotel was and every step he took his face creased up in agony. He just wanted to get to his room and take a bath before reclining on the bed, a couple of pain killers wouldn't go amiss either.

When they both got to the hotel, Ngusoi followed him inside and when the woman on reception saw Oon she started to panic.

"Mr Dhakorn, oh my word, we were so worried about you sir" she said.

"I'm sorry' I should have called, I stayed over at a friends house because I hurt my foot while hiking" Oon lied again.

"it's probably a good thing sir, we had a bit of an accident"

"I'm sorry to hear that but is it ok if I just get my key, I need to go up and rest" Oon said.

"that's the problem sir, the accident was in your room, there was an electrical short and a fire started ... we managed to get your things out of the room but it's uninhabitable now and we have no other rooms vacant" the reception said.

"so where am I supposed to go then? I'm getting thrown out onto the street?" Oon said.

"it's ok Miss, he can stay with me" Ngusoi interjected.

"no, it's not ok, it's the damn principle" Oon said.

"we will of course be refunding you Mr Dhakorn" she added.

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