The Confession

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Jamie walked through the park, the leaves rustling underfoot. They needed someone to talk to, and their best friend, Taylor, was always a good listener. They found Taylor sitting on a bench, reading a book.

"Hey, Jamie," Taylor said, looking up with a smile. "What's up?"

Jamie sat down heavily, the weight of their troubles evident. "I don't know what to do, Taylor. Alex and I... we're just not in a good place."

Taylor closed the book, giving Jamie their full attention. "What's going on?"

"We keep fighting. I feel like I'm losing them to their job. I know they're trying, but it's not enough. I'm starting to feel so alone."

Taylor put a comforting arm around Jamie. "Have you told Alex how you feel? Really told them?"

"I've tried, but it always ends up in an argument. I don't know if we can fix this."

Taylor nodded thoughtfully. "Sometimes, you need to lay everything out on the table. Have a serious talk. It might be hard, but it's better than letting things fester."

Jamie sighed, knowing Taylor was right. "I'll talk to Alex. I have to, for both our sakes."

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