Chapter 2

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I continue to the high school, but stop when I get a message from Athena. It's time, Athena tells me. Go to Willow's tree. Now I must go spread this message to the other eleven.

Wait, other eleven what? What does Athena mean be "it's time"? Know what, screw it. I walk to the tree Willow loves. After a while, eleven people show up, none older than me. I'm shocked to see Willow among these people. "Hey, Willow."

A young girl, about 11, rushes over excited.

"You're the librarian helper person!" she pipes. "Omigosh! Omigosh! Thanks for yesterday! I have already read all seven poetry books! I'm returning them tomorrow!" She squeals.

"Not a problem," I smile at her. "My name's Clare by the way."

"Cool. I'm Hanna."

"You almost hurt the flowers," Willow frowns.

"Oh yeah.. Sorry about that."

"You BETTER be," Willow threatens, then angrily walks to girl around the age of nine, with blonde hair like a cascade down her back.

"What was that about?" Hanna questions.

"Well," I start, only to be interrupted by the last thing (no person, no thing?) I expected to see. Sam stands in front of me. Not only is he still alive, but he has the freaking bottom half of a goat. Athena said that he would die, I think annoyed.

"I said 'assuming he's mortal',"Athena tells me. "He didn't die because he's a satyr."

"First of all, please stop making me assume things that aren't true! You're the goddess of wisdom, not deceit!"

"I'm the goddess of battle strategy, and lying is an important strategy."

"This isn't a battle! Also, please stop randomly entering my head!"

Hanna frowns, "why are you talking to yourself?"

Sam, the satyr, smiles. "Hi- hi guys. My name's Sam and the gods-" At that everyone in the crowd other than a cute boy around my age with messy blonde hair and myself looked at him, their face clearly saying "either he's crazy or I'm crazy". "Yeah... maybe I should start with explaining the situation. You see... Greek myths aren't myths. They all really happened. The gods- the gods they're real." At that, everyone's faces (except that boy's and my own) read "yeah, I think we're all definitely crazy."

"Yeah, they're real and- and the Olympians decided to bless you twelve mortals and give you some of their abilities to honor them. You were all specially picked, as all of you have similar personality characteristics to what ever god. Also, you have many powers that god or goddess has. Now, I guess I'm going to tell you all who is blessed by who. Jonothon Davis-"

"I got this," the cute blonde boy who wasn't confused earlier- Jonothon says. Suddenly, a storm comes into view, and Jonothon floats into the air. "Jonothon Davis, blessed by Zeus!" he yells over the lightning. Then the storm stops and he flies back to the ground. "So yeah that's me!"

"Correct," Sam sighs, looking sort of disoriented. "Kiara Reed, you're blessed by Poseidon."

"Yay! Water!" the girl with short blonde hair, who Willow was talking to earlier cheers.

He reads a few more names and then he reaches me. "Claresta Stingster, Athena." I nod to Sam. "Willow Collins, Demeter."

"Plants?" Willow asks.

"Yeah, plants," Sam tells Willow.

"Yay! Go plants!!!!" Willow cheers excitedly.

"Maxwell Rogers, Ares."

"That's me," a dark skinned boy says. He looks around 14. "Can I say something?" he asks.

"Sure, sure." Sam tells him.

"Okay, unlike the others who are very gullible, it seems, I'm not gonna believe this crap. You're a nut job."

"Okay.. You saw Jonothon fly for crying out loud!"

"That was wind from the storm!"

"Okay, what ever you say." Sam looks annoyed. "Anyways, Cira Jordan, Artemis." A girl with long black hair in a braid down her back smiles. She looks close to Hanna's age. "Hanna Jones, Apollo."

"Apollo! So does that mean when I become a doctor I'll be like really smart and find the cure for cancer or something? Or does it mean that my poetry job will be already be making me a millionaire so I'll make more money anyone world wide? Or does it mean-"

"Yeah, sure," Sam shuts Hanna up. "Tyler Lee, Hephaestus. Tyler? Are you listening?"

"Oh, um, what?" asks an Asian boy around Kiara's age, looking up from a smart phone.

"You're blessed by Hephaestus," Sam repeats annoyed.

"Okay maybe later."

"Yeah I'll explain it to you later. Jay Greene, Aphrodite." Jay, a mixed boy a little older than Kiara, looks very embarrassed, and also, may I add, quite fashionable (sorry, I had to). The boys in the group (except the very distracted Tyler) laugh at him until Sam stops it. "Shut up! It's not like Jay was the one to choose! I'm part goat part human but I can kill people like a Titan." Of course the others don't really seem to understand that he wouldn't kill any of us because, obviously, the god who blessed which ever of us would be angry. "Finally, Vera Edwards, blessed by Hermes." Some of the blessed stared at Vera, a dark skinned girl the same age as Hanna, scared. I suspect that they were thinking. "Don't take my stuff." Hanna looked distressed.

"Our friendship'll start with you taking my cows and tricking me! Just get it over with! Oh, wait, sorry Vera I don't have any cows."

"And, Hanna, we'll never be friends." Vera says rudely. Hanna breaks into tears.

I glare at Vera. "Apologize, or else."

Hanna laughs "haha Apollo-gize to the blessed of Apollo."

"Okay.. Never mind I think she's better." I take a step back, rolling my eyes.

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