Back To Earth 🌏

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"It was during the year 3048 where the aerospace engineer Sophie Roberts invented a spaceship to take our kind out of the overpopulated, dying Earth that we were originally from to Gliese which only took 2 hours even though the planets were 20.3 light years away. At this planet we met the original life forms who lived here and we fought with them to colonise the planet, this war lasted about 8 years before both sides signed a treaty making sure we would live in peace with each other. Although the treaty was signed Humans still racially profiled the aliens due to their different appearance and their low IQ compared to humans even going as far as enslaving them."

"I don't get why you need to sit through that stupid lecture, your set for life with your brother's company," Ryan complained waiting for me to finish with my lesson,
"It's important to do something useful with your life not just spend it playing games and if the company went down I would be able to get myself a job. Anyways, Seb is going through some scandal due to the new androids so it's better to be safe than sorry," I replied turning off the hologram and leaving the lecture,
"Face it, you can't be as good as your little brother even with a memory chip in your brain,"
"I don't have anything in my body and never will only weak people need that, and you're just saying that because he's your husband," I retorted.

Before Ryan was able to argue back a figure entered the room in a rush, "Sebastian is calling you Oliver and Ryan, come quickly," an android commanded leading us outside the house onto a wide floating metal platform covered in different kinds of machinery,
"Oli, Ryan, Come here," Sebastian called leading us to a spaceship, "I messed up really bad and now the Gliese government's trying to get me,"
"What?" I stated in confusion,
"I - Uhm. I tried making genetic mutations of aliens for the NTF," Sebastian continued,
"Why?" Ryan uttered in disappointment,
"I don't have time for that right now, Oliver you're going to Earth, I sent a droid there ages ago, he can help you I've sent you his IP address," Sebastian voiced in a panic pushing me into the spaceship, " Get in."

As soon as I was inside the spaceship automatically set off causing the windows to turn into a blur of black, I snapped out of my initial shock and realised the gravity of the situation I was in, I have never even been outside of my home country but now I'm travelling twenty light years away to a different planet. In front me is a space suit carelessly thrown onto the ground with a tag saying ' incase of emergency ' attached to it causing me to feel fear of what awaited,  I am quite a spoiled boy who is given everything I needed and the feeling of danger has never really been evident in my life so this already scared the shit out of me. I've heard many rumours of how Earth was, they mostly described the people there as vicious murderers who held a grudge against the people who had left them for a newer planet  this thought caused my mind to spiral with worries on what would happen to me.

Soon enough, the flight through space was over and I landed on top of a building on Earth the door opened up into a ramp revealing the cold humid air and the silence that came with the fog that surrounded me, the building I'm on isn't like any building I've seen before it was roughly made and was so tall that it towered over the clouds barely fitting in the atmosphere of the planet causing me to find it hard to breathe, there were many more as far as my eye could see all packed closely together, 'How am I supposed to get down?'
I thought as I left the ship, before I could think about going back in the spacecraft it vanished within a second leaving me to listen to the lonely sound of the wind. I pulled out my phone seeing two messages from my brother, one of the IP address given to me and another which stated, 'Wait for Regie to come pick you up.'

"Who's Regie?" I muttered to myself,
"I am," a voice declared from behind me, I turned around to see a tall tanned man with short black hair but half his face was replaced with small intricate pieces of metal  forming his face and instead of there being an eye there was a red circle, he was dressed in a plain black shirt and baggy jeans and one of his arms was also made from the same metal as his face, he looked amazing.
"...You're a cyborg" I sounded looking astonished,
"Okay. Get in the car" Regie replied bluntly causing me to follow him into the cramped floating car, I sat in the back which was littered with clothes and food, imagine how nasty this guy's house would be,
"Try not to fall out," Regie stated as the car began to hover off the building.

To my surprise even when we reached the bottom of the towering building we continued going down through a dark underground passageway that was somehow more badly looked after than the buildings on the surface, it was horrible. There were halls with poorly built houses and  unsettling looking people who were infused with unnecessary machinery sat on the side of the roads and wherever I looked there always seemed to be an argument or a fight happening, the further down we went the worse it got and the more gloomier it looked, Regie finally stopped the descent into hell once we reached an average height but narrow building where he parked the car in front of.

I was hesitant to follow Regie in leaving the car due to all the commotion and violence outside, "Get out, quick, unless you want to start something," Regie ordered, I noticed how he didn't speak English properly and instead in a unique way unlike how normal robots would speak. It's probably because his lips aren't part robot though but half his throat is, that's weird. I continued in my thoughts until I realised I was staring at the cyborgs lips causing a confused expression to form over the human side of his face,
"Are you going to come out or keep staring at my face?" Regie questioned before letting out an annoyed huff then picking me up with one arm and throwing my body over his shoulder whilst closing the car door.

"Wait I can walk," I said trying to slide off but not budging since his arm was holding me in place,
"Should have done that before." He replied while entering through a door to a dark room lit up with different coloured strobe lights, at the front was a stage with people on poles and at the back was couching and a bar, " Why are we at a strip club?" I asked taking in my surroundings,
"I'm gonna make you into a stripper."

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