First Day of School 🌍

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My eyes slowly blinked themselves awake, I heard a loud blur of voices and noise outside the room, in contrast to last night it was freezing cold and I found myself in Regie's arms the fan was now turned off and we were wrapped in a duvet, there was orange light that made its way into the room through the blinds of the window which was probably something that was made to imitate the sun.

"You're up early," The man who was hugging me from behind yawned in a deep croaky voice, I tried getting up but was pulled back down by Regie's arms, "Wait a bit, it's cold," he grunted, tightly cuddling me, I never felt the need for human contact but this was a euphoric sensation, I burrowed myself backwards to feel his warm embrace away from the cold air drifting back to sleep.

"Guys, Wake the fuck up! We're going to be late, you can spoon each other on the bus instead, get up!" Someone shouted pulling the duvet off me I opened my eyes revealing an already dressed Justin and a taller man with black and blonde dyed hair beside him who's arms were covered in tattoos,
"Five more minutes," Regie pleaded shoving his face in the crook of my neck,
"The bus will be here in five more minutes," the man I didn't know spoke,
"Holy shit," Regie exclaimed, getting out of the bed and quickly getting changed causing the cold air to fully submerge me I got up and grabbed my uniform from the desk heading to the bathroom.

Once I came out Regie and Justin were gone and it was just the unknown man there,
"Hello?" I said hesitantly,
"Oh, I'm Darren," He explained with a smile holding out a hand which I shook, he seems very polite in contrast to how intimidating he looks, " They've gone for something work related, don't worry they're still here," Darren continued.

We both made our way out of the room while Darren locked it and gave the key to me, once we reached the club I was reunited with the two other boys who were at the bar talking to another man with red hair who must have been the bartender Regie was talking about,
"This is Kane," Darren said as he noticed me staring at him, before I could say anything in response a loud horn beeped outside, Regie grabbed my hand taking me outside to the massive utility truck.

We all made our way through the open back, there was a few seats at the side but they were all taken and it was so packed that there were barely any bars left to hold but instead of the heavy-duty vehicle waiting for us to sit down it sped off causing me to fall on to Regie, "Do you need me to carry you again?" He joked grabbing my waist holding me upright as we made our way into the dark back of the truck, I laughed and shook my head.

I made it to where we sat without anymore falls it was near the back and barely any light was able to get here but at least we wouldn't fall out the back now, I sat next to Regie opposite the other three boys with a couple of stacked bags separating us and the place was packed with freaky looking people who made so much noise that it was giving me a headache. It's crazy how quickly my life changed so drastically, I miss my room and my family this place is so shitty, the only good thing about it is that Regie actually cares about me I was worried Seb just abandoned me here.

"Yo, alien boy are you alright?" Darren questioned startling me, he must have noticed me get lost in my thoughts,
"Yeah." I croaked before clearing my throat in an attempt to change the topic, "So... do you work there or just live there?"
"Nah, I don't live there, I live above,"
"He just comes all the way down here because he's a simp for Justin," Kane chuckled, causing Darren to playfully kick his arm, now that I noticed it Justin was sat on Darren's lap hugging him,
"Unrequited love, something you probably wouldn't feel alien boy," Darren spoke with a mocking sad voice hugging Justin tightly, I wish that was me it's freezing,
"Just to clarify, we aren't dating," Justin said to me,
"It's fucking freezing," Regie complained,
"Awhh, you can join our huddle," Justin recommended with his flushed face pushed up against Darren's chest,
"No, fuck off" Darren interrupted.

"Oli we're here, wake up," Regie whispered and lightly rubbed my arm causing me to come out of my peaceful slumber and get up, I must have fallen asleep I suppose. I followed him half awake out of the opening between all the people plundering and pushing by. We were outside a massive building where there was the real sun outside,
"How can you afford to go here?" I asked the three as I knew they couldn't be able to afford it considering how poorly they lived,
"Your brother pays for us, well except for Darren, his daddy's rich," Justin responded, at least Seb was able to do one ethical thing before he died. I was led through the towering double doors towards a wall packed with lockers, Regie got out some books and handed it to me.

I made it to my first class through navigating the massive school with Regie's help and a confusing map, I had no idea what we were learning but I somehow managed. Before lunch, I quickly made some new friends who helped me around the school and took me to the canteen where I reunited with the others.

"I didn't know what you liked so I just got you what I got, I hope that's alright," Regie said as I sat next to him on the fully packed table, there was only one seat left and everyone seemed to know each other,
"It's good, thanks," I replied, looking at the questionable meal served in-front of me,
"Oli you already really popular bro,"Darren drawled,
"Yeah all the girls are talking about you, Regie's got competition," Kane chuckled, causing a look of annoyance to cover Regie's face,
"I never wanted them anyways, they're annoying," Regie retorted,
"Why? You already got someone?" I questioned causing the others to erupt in laughter, "What? Did I say something wrong?" I asked in confusion wondering what was so funny,
"Regie being with someone is what's funny," Justin spoke through a big smile,
"I don't feel love. That part is gone from my brain," Regie added bluntly. He went quiet for a while after that.

"We need to throw a party for Oliver, Please Reg," Justin said enthusiastically,
"Sure," Regie acquiesced causing Justin to cheer before rushing off with Darren to tell people about the party.

The school day ended quickly and before long we reached back to the club late in the evening but instead of just the people who lived here coming, dozens of people came piling in along with us.

"Wait here with Oli, I need to ask Tyler if I can close the club early," Regie told Justin as if I was a child who needed to be looked after. After a while Regie came back closing up the club and telling the others to leave causing a couple of violent words to be exchanged but once they were all gone Kane got behind the bar and started pouring drinks for all of us.

It had now become dark outside and had been a couple of hours since we first arrived, there were now much less people and I was a bit tipsy although Regie was up my ass telling me not to drink. We were all now sat in a circle about to play spin the bottle but Justin left to talk with Regie about something then went up to his room,

"Oli, I'm gonna head out come with me," Regie said to me,
"Can't I stay here?" I asked,
"Yeah, this party is for him after all," someone I didn't know spoke from the circle,
"I'll literally just gonna be a minute come," Regie insisted,
"If it's just a minute go without him then," Darren goaded causing Regie to squint his eyes in disgust towards him before saying nothing and leaving,
"Ooh, he's mad," Darren provoked him as he left slamming the door behind him. Darren immediately got up once he left and headed to the rooms where Justin had just headed.

A couple rounds of spin the bottle had passed with none of them landing on me thankfully, I'm not sure what I would even do in seven minutes of heaven. Regie arrived heading straight upstairs without saying a word or even looking towards us causing it to become uncomfortably silent,
"Alright my go," Kane declared interrupting the silence causing cheers to erupt as he spun the bottle landing on a beautiful girl with long blue hair, they both headed to the private room situated down the hallway.

"Oliver you should have a go in honour of it being your party," someone said,
"Sure but I'm not doing seven minutes in heaven, I'll just give a kiss," I bargained spinning the bottle since the only person I knew was now gone.

It slowed down landing on a tall boy with blonde hair, even though I don't swing that way he was quite attractive we both hesitated at first but due to the crowds chanting we kissed each other on the lips but he started getting more aggressive and fully shoved his tongue down my throat to the point I could barely breathe, I tried to break the kiss by moving back but he suddenly bit down hard on my lip causing a muffled scream to come out from me.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I shouted pushing him off me causing the cheers to cut off and running upstairs towards Regie's room.

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