Regie's missing 🌏

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The door banged behind me while I ran up the staircase but then I tripped on a step thudding on to the stairs causing the whole left side of my body to get slammed into the metal causing me to feel even more pain on top of my busted lip.

"Yo Oli, You good?" A voice asked from above me on the stairs, I looked up and saw Regie coming towards me and tried to help me up but the pain hit my body causing me to fall to my knees,
"Are you okay?" Regie asked again, my eyes started to fill with tears while Regie tried picked me up from my waist.

"Oh shit, What happened?" Regie continued questioning after seeing me cry. He sat down placing me on his lap before hugging me, I placed my head on his shoulder hugging him back trying to stop my sobs. Once I finished my pity party, I removed my head from his shoulder wiping away the tears from my eyes,
"Sorry for staining your shirt," I managed to sniffle out noticing the deep crimson stain that was on the shoulder of his white shirt.

Regie reached his hand out towards my face removing the blood that was gushing from my lips and in response a tingly feeling coursed throughout my body, his eyes looked up at me filled with concern.

I felt my face heat up as I got lost in his eyes, he broke the eye contact looking down at my bloodied lips before using the hand that was placed on my face to bring me closer to him and gently sucking on my bleeding lip. Although his touch was heavenly, I pulled my face away unsure of where this was going he licked his lips before looking away trying to avoid my gaze.

Suddenly, I was lifted up by my waist and carried to Regie's room then placed onto the bed, he reached into his drawer looking for something,
"Who did that to you?" He continued with his inquiries still shuffling around his drawers,
"I fell on the stairs," I lied not wanting to further complicate things,
"Not your body, your lip,"
"I cut them on the steps,"
"Don't lie to me, that's a bite mark," he attested giving up on whatever he was finding.

"I'm not sure, some blonde guy," I gave in before getting the plasters and a packet of wipes from the top drawer,
"How did you know where that was?" Regie took the things from my hand looking puzzled,
"You were looking for them?" I laughed, Regie nodded his head and wiped the cut causing me to wince.

"Thank you for cleaning my room," He said placing a plaster on top of my lip,
"It's the least I could do for you looking after me," I beamed as he looked at me with an unexplainable expression on his face.

"Sorry for the thing before, I could give you money to make up for it," He proposed taking out his wallet,
"What? The kiss? I don't think I'd need money," I said while he gave me a twenty dollar note,
"That's probably the only thing you own in this world," He addressed causing a chilling feeling to set in my heart, if Regie wasn't here I would probably be dead.

"I'm going to head out, there's some food there," Regie informed me gesturing towards the desk,
"Regie, can you please forget about happened between me and that guy?" I asked reaching for the bag of food,
"Don't wait for me and make sure to lock the door," Regie commanded ignoring my question and leaving. I locked the door and finished the food before heading to bed.

I was woken up by the same orange light which shone directly into my eyes but unlike yesterday morning there wasn't a warm embrace behind me but instead the sweaty wet cover hugged my shirtless body. Unfortunately I couldn't manage to figure out the fan yesterday, I was hoping Regie would fix it when he came back but turns out he's no where to be found. I searched for him in the bathroom but found nothing, the time on the clock was 4 am so it had just been two hours, I may just be paranoid since he had been with me from the moment I arrived here but waiting for him wouldn't hurt.

I cleaned the bathroom and bedroom while waiting for him to pass my time but it was now 6am and he still hadn't showed up. I wore a hoodie from Regie's closet and headed out towards the club to find him, as soon as I entered the place erupted with loud music as coloured strobe lights flashed harshly, it was way too early for this.

Everyone looked the same with weird, ripped clothing and with metal that was probably carelessly shoved into them. Everyone except a man dressed in a blazer and shirt with shorts on, he had no sign of any altercation to his body and unlike the others who were immersed in the show in front of them he was on his phone.

Someone who seemed to be a bottle girl came up to him saying something I couldn't hear due to the music but I did catch her say, "Thanks Tyler," at the end of their conversation. That guy must be the owner Regie was talking about, I walked towards him,
"Excuse me, Do you know where Regie is?" I asked, he looked up before answering,
"Ask Justin, He should be in the middle room of the attic," before immediately walking away. At least that gets me somewhere.

I made my way all the way to the top floor and knocked on the door causing it to creak open, I peeped in seeing a room brightly lit up with the same orange light and three people sleeping on a mattress in the middle of the room,
"Hello?" I spoke up being greeted with no response, I crouched down gently patting Justin awake causing him to stir slowly blinking open his eyes, "You two can spoon on the bus instead," I laughed causing Darren to poke his head up from behind Justin,
"What's wrong?" Justin croaked barely managing to keep his eyes open.

"I can't find Regie, he's been gone for four hours now,"
"That's unlike him," Justin said getting up and yanking Darren's arms off him, "Get the fuck off me,"
"It's freezing up here and really bright, I don't get how you manage to sleep," I stated shivering,
"Exactly what I was saying bro," Darren agreed through squinted eyes,
"I'll go look for him, you two spoiled fucks get ready for school," Justin said heading out the door.
We both headed down to get ready since Darren needed to wear Regie's uniform because he didn't have any of his own.

After we finished getting ready Justin came in,
"So... Regie's in jail." Justin said,
"What, why?" Darren asked,
"He got into a fight yesterday with Hades,"
"When is he coming back?" I questioned through my shock,
"We just have to get bail him out don't worry, but it will have to be after school since Tyler's too busy to get him,"
"Don't worry, he's fine," Darren spoke gently bringing me into a hug.

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