Your New Home 🌎

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"I'm gonna make you into a stripper." Regie spoke loud enough for only me to hear,
"What?! I don't wanna be a stripper!" I exclaimed trying with all my might to squirm out of his grip but to no avail,
"Shush, I was joking bro," Regie insisted with a small laugh while walking into a door near the back of the strip club.

On the other side of this door was a small white room filled with a metal staircase and a couple of doors on the on the walls,
"Can you put me down now? Please," I said since I wanted to see the place properly. To my relief the cyborg gently placed me down but held his grip on my wrist,
"Follow me," He ordered as we both ascended two sets of staircases to the third floor, "This will be your room," He said taking me inside a room which barely fitted a bed in one end and a desk and wardrobe on the end we just walked into but as if to make this already minuscule room more cramped it was cluttered with mess and was poorly kept,
"Isn't this your room?" I inquired,
"Yeah, How'd you know?" Regie said looking surprised,
"It's just as messy as your car, Why am I in your room?"
"There is too much people living here already so theres no other rooms, so it's either me or some randoms, Here are some clothes since the ones you are wearing are really obnoxious," He stated eyeing me up and down,
"What's wrong with them?"
"Just get some rest if you want but don't leave without wearing something normal. If you want me, go to the club and ask the bartender where I am he should know, lock the door." He articulated before passing me the keys and leaving.

I lock the door behind him, although I don't see the point since the door was made from a thin piece of wood, and try to make my way to the bed since I had nothing else to do. How am I supposed to sleep in this mess? I continued trying to throw the piles of junk out of the way until I stopped and decided I'm going to clean this place up.

Even though I haven't ever cleaned this much before I really enjoyed the process and before I knew it I was done and able to relax on the now clean bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep a knock at the door startled me awake. At first I disregarded it since the walls were thin and there's all sorts of sounds happening out there but the knocking became more louder,
"Oliver?" An unfamiliar voice called out from outside the door, I crawl out of the bed and look through the peephole in the door,
"Who is this?" I question as I saw a blonde man with neon lines all over his skin that looked like they were pulsating and it originated from what looked like was his heart but it looked more like a ball of blue wires,
"I'm Justin, I work for Regie," He explained, Work for Regie? Does he own the strip club? That would explain what Justin was wearing.

I crack open the door slightly as I was still unsure of what his intentions were but Justin pushed the door open and closed it behind him allowing himself in,
"Wow you really cleaned up, Regie could never find time to clean this dump." Justin says looking around before sitting down onto the bed, "Here it's your uniform for school. Check if it's the right size," He says passing me a paper bag,
"School?" I say in shock while looking into the bag,
"Yeah, you're lucky that your brother got you into the one we're in. Try it on."
"Can I go to the bathroom?"
"Can't you hold it in, getting a uniform takes ages and you need it by tomorrow so hurry up," He demands in a hurry even though I was uncomfortable getting changed in-front of him what was the worst that could happen?

I take my shirt off and his eyes look all over my body,
"Do you not have anything in you?" He questioned as I take out a button shirt and put it on,
"If you're on about machinery, I don't have any of that in me and don't plan on having any." I clarified while putting on the trousers, blazer and the tie, "It's a bit tight but it fits." As I finished my sentence the door creaked opened and Regie walked in,
"Regie he would be a really good stripper, he hasn't got a trace of anything done to him. Are you a virgin?" Justin queried,
"You don't need to answer that, I bought some food for us get changed and let's go eat," Regie huffed looking exhausted,
"How did you manage to leave early?" Justin asked.

Although I managed to get changed in front of Justin for some reason I felt way more nervous doing it in front of Regie,
"Get dressed quick, or do I need to do this for you too?" Regie spoke sharply causing my face to heat up before Justin let out an
"OHH, you need the toilet don't you? You can go now bro," He pointed at a door next to the foot of the bed,
"Wear this," Regie said reaching into his wardrobe and throwing me some clothes.

I finished getting changed into the clothes that were slightly too big for me inside the eerie bathroom and walked back into the room placing the bag on the desk and joining the two men who were already waiting in front of the door,
"The kitchen's right here if you need it," Regie announced as we entered a narrow long white room lit by a white light making the shadows look grey and creepy, this place was like living in a horror movie.

We finished eating and headed back into the room Regie dove straight into the bed,
"Do you have a spare toothbrush for me?" I inquired causing a grunt to come out from Regie,
"What? Oh, just use mine," He spoke tiredly, I don't want to use a strangers toothbrush but it's better than nothing I guess. Once I was done I headed into bed trying not to wake the sleeping cyborg beside me but the overwhelming heat had gotten the best of me and I kept tossing around,
"What is your problem, can you not sleep normally?" Regie complained sitting up in frustration,
"It's too hot," I exasperated covered in sweat,
"Are you in heat?" Regie spoke quickly with concern laced in his tone,
"That's a weird way of putting it but yeah, can you get me a fan?" There was a long pause as if he was trying to make sense of what I was saying, "A fan, you know the spinny pie-,"
"I know what a fan is, I thought you were on about something else." Regie huffed cutting me off, "follow me, be quick this time."

He put his shoes on and I followed by quickly since this heat was killing me we headed through the dimly lit staircase down to the bottom floor and through the club to Regie's car,
"Where are we going?" I whispered,
"To buy a fan for your spoiled ass." Regie grumbled heading through the unfamiliar alleyways till we reached a supermarket and an employee came out towards the car holding a big box,
"You order a package?" She asked Regie,
"Yeah, A fan." He stated throwing it in the back before heading back.

We arrived back home and Regie carried the box upstairs with an annoyed look on his face,
"Are you mad at me?" I questioned,
"No," He replied in a cold tone,
"Have you heard anything from my brother?"
"... Do you own this place?"
"Are you sure you're not mad at me?"
"Not anymore," We both entered the room and Regie locked the door and started assembling the fan,
"So you run the place?"
"But you still go to school?"
"how long am I staying?"
"Considering that 1 day in Gliese is a week in Earth, a long time," Regie replied sleepily, "If you're done with your questions can we head to bed?"
"Thank you" I yawned turning the lights off.

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