Chapitre Deux

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Y/n's POV

Outside the school, I see my friends having a good time. Typical Marinette-always shy and stuttering whenever Adrien is around. It's pretty obvious that she likes him, though I'm not sure if Adrien notices. Eventually, she confesses to us that she loves him. Alya and I support her wholeheartedly. Knowing that Marinette loves Adrien, I decide to give up any feelings I might have had for him, not wanting to come between them. Marinette notices me and waves, signaling me to join them. I hadn't realized I was standing alone for so long. I'm grateful to have them as friends.

"Everyone's planning for us to work together on our assignment to observe the ancient ornament our brightest friend discovered," Alya announces, winking at me. I feel shy at her words. They congratulate me and apologize for not having a gift. I tell them that I'd decline any gift since it's not necessary; their words of appreciation are enough. They laugh, and Adrien pats my head like I'm a little kid.

Adrien's limo arrives, and he says his goodbyes, patting my head again. However, this time, his father's secretary exits the car and approaches us, confusing Adrien.

"Y/n Leclaire, Mr. Gabriel Agreste requests your presence for important matters. Don't worry, we've already informed your parents, and they've given permission for you to join Adrien to fetch both of you from school. Is that okay with you?" I look to Adrien for answers, but he seems as puzzled as I am. Despite my curiosity, I remember that while curiosity may have killed the cat, the pursuit of knowledge brings fulfillment. I nod in agreement, say my goodbyes, and enter the limo before Adrien, who sits beside me.

As we ride, Adrien asks Natalalie, his father's secretary why his father wants to see me but she didn't answer. I'm very confused as he is, but the situation makes me nervous, sad, and somehow glad. It reminds me of the first time I met Mr. Gabriel Agreste when I was six years old. Back then, I cried uncontrollably upon meeting him, and he gently carried me.

"I'm sorry, dear, is something wrong?" he asked, brushing my back. I just hugged his neck and cried. A beautiful lady with golden hair, Mrs. Emilie Agreste, patted my head.

"Dear, where are your parents? Adrien, would you share your candy with this little lady to cheer her up?" Little Adrien nodded, and Mr. Agreste put me down. Adrien offered me a candy, but I ran to Mrs. Emilie Agreste and hugged her tightly. My parents finally found us, looking confused.

A six-year-old Adrien explained, "She started crying when she met my father, then cried even more when she saw my mom. Will she be okay?" He told my parents what happened, clearly worried about me. Adrien was always a sweet boy, though there is a side of him that showing his boldness.

We were at the museum because my parents had surprised me with a trip to The British Museum in London. As we wandered around, I was fascinated by an ancient scroll about Miraculous jewels, though it was torn and crumpled. When I turned back, I realized I was lost.

My parents were relieved that it was the Agreste who found me, as they had known each other for a long time. They had planned to meet at the museum to introduce Adrien and me. However, five years ago, they became strangers, and I still don't know why.

Now, they suddenly have communication again. It's been too long since I last visited Adrien's home. We started going to school together just five months ago. When he invited me to his birthday, I couldn't attend due to my parents' commitments, but I did send him a gift. Adrien understood, especially considering there was an akuma attack at the time, involving Nino as The Bubbler. Nino wanted to get rid of all adults to give Adrien the best birthday party ever.

As I gazed out the window, lost in memories, I failed to notice Adrien calling my name until he touched my shoulder. I turned to see him looking worried and slightly upset because I hadn't been paying attention.

"Y/n, is everything okay? I'm starting to worry about you."

"I'm fine, Adrien. I think I'm just tired. Sorry for not listening. What was it again?" Despite my reassurance, he didn't seem convinced. He then held both of my hands, which confused me further.

"Please tell me the truth when I ask you this-"

"Depends on the question, Adrien. I'm totally fine, really. No need to worry." I attempted to pull my hands away, but he held them firmly, giving me a stern look, his boldness evident.

"Sigh... Fine, Agreste." Still holding my hands, he asked his question, catching me off guard.

"Do you still have those nightmares or dreams where you're crying and in pain?"

"Wait, how do you know that I still have those nightmares?"

"It's obvious, Y/n. You still act the same way you did before when you had those nightmares. I remember seeing it when we were kids. I'm worried about you. I know you're independent, but you're alone." Unable to find the words to escape the situation, I told him the truth, assuring him he need not worry and mentioning I was looking forward to the tea.

"I just want to be there for you, like you were for me when my mom died, even though our parents gradually stopped talking to each other. Your letters kept me cheerful, and I was thrilled when you returned to Paris, and we enrolled in the same school." He released my hands, looking down. I patted his head and grinned cheekily when he looked up at me. He smiled and laughed at my comment.

"Oh, I thought you had completely forgotten me because you didn't respond to my greetings. You just ignored me and walked away faster." I teased, and he explained that he was shy because I had changed in a positive way.

"I know it was a jerk move and embarrassing. I'm sorry, Y/n. I was just at a loss for words when we met again." He blushed and smiled.

"Really, Adrien? At least I managed to greet you, even though I was shy to approach you. But apology accepted. I'm just happy that we are now like this, almost like before, although not exactly the same as when we were kids." I recalled how we used to hold hands all the time because we enjoyed each other's company. There was one time Adrien cried because I let go of his hand to see my mom's new discovery in Egypt, and he felt abandoned.

"It's the same for me, Y/n. Please, if you have trouble sleeping because of those nightmares again, call me, okay?"

"Yes, daddy."

"You're very much welcome, dear. Now, I'm finally paying you back for your teasing a while ago, Y/n," I teased him because its funny and he just laughed while his ear are red. When he said that I couldn't respond because I was at a loss for words.

By then, we had arrived at his house. I was aware of the situation between him and his father. When Adrien sent me a letter describing how his father had changed and treated him, I was furious at Mr. Agreste. Natalie informed Adrien that he should go to his room and start his piano lessons. Adrien wanted to accompany me inside, but I assured him it was alright and that I could manage on my own.

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