Chapitre Trois

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In Mr. Agreste's Office

As Y/n entered the room, Mr. Gabriel Agreste was already waiting. He stood before a portrait of Adrien's mother, then turned and motioned for me to sit. On the table lay an ancient, ornate box, adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that seemed vaguely familiar.

"Y/n Leclaire, thank you for coming. It's been a long time, but I'll be brief. I need your assistance with this artifact," Mr. Agreste began. "It is said to be the key to a powerful relic from the past. Given your expertise in ancient artifacts and your recent discoveries, I believe you can help decipher its secrets."

My curiosity piqued, I examined the box closely. As I traced my fingers over the symbols, a rush of fragmented memories from my nightmares flooded back. This was no ordinary artifact; it seemed to hold a significance I couldn't quite grasp. The symbols and carvings felt strangely familiar, almost as if I had seen them in my dreams.

"Mr. Agreste, this artifact is unique," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "It appears to be connected to something ancient and powerful. But deciphering it will take time."

His eyes widened slightly, intrigued by the revelation. "It really does have much work to do. Your expertise is invaluable, Y/n. That is why I need your assistance in understanding the letters and symbols on the artifact."

In Adrien's Room

Adrien's POV.

"Plagg, you almost revealed yourself to Y/n! What's wrong with you? If I hadn't faced forward in the car, she would have seen you. You always do that whenever we're near her, especially in class." Plagg was trying to get out of my room to find Y/n, but I blocked him at the door. He's always like this, and it's getting harder to manage.

"It's just that I miss Y/n, and-"

"You don't even know Y/n that well. You first met her three months ago, and now you're always feeling like you miss her?"

"Sigh... you don't get it, Adrien. Well, I was forbidden by Master Fu... I guess I shouldn't. I thought watching her was enough, but it isn't. Fine, Adrien, I won't go to Y/n."

I was completely confused by what Plagg blurted out. Master Fu forbade Plagg regarding Y/n? I asked him about it, but he just ignored me and started eating his favorite camembert. I gave up, went to my piano, placed my phone on the stand, and began to play, making everyone think I was practicing.

I wanted to accompany her earlier, but I couldn't defy my father's orders. I sat on the couch and sighed. Plagg had been delighted when we visited Y/n's house after our patrols last night, and as I looked at her through the window, I realized she was having nightmares. I wanted to be there for her, but I couldn't risk scaring, confusing, or shocking her by appearing as Chat Noir in her bedroom. I thought her nightmares had gone, and she hadn't mentioned them in her letters.

I immediately stood up from the couch and started preparing the tea and other items.

Back to Mr. Agreste's Office

As I worked on deciphering the symbols, the letters began to form coherent phrases in my mind. The symbols translated into French, revealing a mysterious message "L'unité de tous les Miraculous est la clé" (The unity of all the Miraculous is the key).

I repeated the phrase aloud, feeling a chill run down my spine. Mr. Agreste looked at me with a mix of surprise and determination.

"That phrase... it sounds like it holds immense significance," he said.

"Indeed, Mr. Agreste," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "But I don't fully understand its meaning yet. We need to investigate further."

"You've already solved it, Y/n. That's all I need. Thank you for your help."

As I delved deeper into the translation, I was shocked by Mr. Agreste's sudden conclusion. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was deeply drawn to the artifact. I wanted to study it more, but I couldn't object to his decision. I agreed and walked toward the door. Noticing something off about Mr. Agreste, he turned to look at the portrait again and told me that the driver would take me home, thanking me again for my help.

As I exited the room, Adrien called my name and rushed down the stairs, holding a sealed box.

"Luckily, you didn't leave early. This is the tea I told you about, and I added something to help you sleep." I slapped his shoulder because he was careless again, running down the stairs. He caressed the spot where I hit him, complaining about my method of thanking him.

"It's because you could have been hurt. It's dangerous, and you know that," I scolded. He apologized, and I thanked him for the tea. He escorted me outside to the car. As I was saying goodbye, he reached for my hand.

"I hope you have good dreams, my lady," he said, holding my right hand and kissing it. As he finished, I poked his forehead with my finger.

"Hey, stop that. Marinette will give me nightmares if she sees you doing this, you naughty cat. You almost look like Chat Noir when you do that, Adrien," I giggled. He started shaking his head, denying it.

"N-no, I'm not. Chat Noir and I are totally different. You're just being delusional, Y/n. Now, really, call me if there's something wrong, okay? And stay safe." He patted my head, and I nodded. I entered the car and waved, and he waved back.

"Adrien, you're making my life complicated," I thought to myself.

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