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I call mom to inform that I will be eating out tonight. By the time i'm finished, I still can't believe that I'm gonna have a dinner with Adam Browns. I still feel raging mad at him for getting the highest, I know it's my fault but i have a difficult mindset.  

I kinda lie to mom that its Philippe. I don't tell about Adam. I come back at my sit. 

" What do you wanna order? " Adam asks. 

"anything. I'm good with everything. Order anything you like. " I say. 

" Okay. " He says. He ordered a chicken burger with a coke.

I just take a white sauce pasta. 

"So, um... Can we have a conversation outside of studies?" Adam asked.

" Yeah sure. For starters, lemme ask you, you don't talk to girls at school usually right?"

" Yeah, I don't like most of them actually."

"Then what brings you to talk to me and invite me for a dinner suddenly when all we talked in one year is when we bumped on the first day only?"

" Nothing. I saw you, my classmate here. You were alone cause your friend was absent. And i talked to you cause you were stucked on the maths. Then I just talked. And for the dinner, I feel bad to let you go hungry after having such an intresting conversation on maths for an hour. Maths is my favourite you know. so i just said it." He says with a smile.

" I love maths too but bio is my favourite. " 

The food arrives. He takes a bite on his burger and says" really?"

" yeah. " I take a bite on my food too. 

"can I have youe number? Just to exchange math and other problems?"

" okay." 

I exchange numbers with Adam Browns! 


The rest of the year has nothing intresting. Lemme just cut short. Adam and i share a ton of problems . WE NEVER TALK. Just he sends the problems and i send the answers or vice versa. 

We have a fun school campfire night, me and Philippe( as a date ). He has a better bond with me now. He kinda gives me hints that he likes me. Alia and Tenessie still hates me. 

This year overall was really good. 



Serina had a good exams on her second year. She hopes that her third year goes well too. 

This was a recap of her past two years. 

The next chapters are from Serina's pov. 

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