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Lou was fidgeting nervously under the table hoping that Jess was too busy talking to notice. It was the first time ever that Lou had to keep things from her and the nerves were getting bad as her hands started sweating and it felt like she had a knot in her stomach.

Lou had gone over after university on her 3rd day back when the lecturers stopped talking about what they were going to teach and actually started teaching. They were sitting in the Miller's kitchen pretending to do their assignments but really Jess was having a existential crisis.

"And I told him that I still don't know what to study for my Masters Degree in Uni, let alone where I want to go. And he's all 'times ticking' and it is stressing me out. Have you had the talk with your parents yet?"

"Yeah, a few days ago" Lou said.

"I have decided on doing my Masters Degree at Cambridge University."

"Crime scene science?"

Lou nodded.

"You are like the worst person to vent to about life plans" Jess snorted.

"I bet you already know what you want to be when you grow up."

"Of course" Lou said.

"I want to be a detective."

Suddenly, a loud buzz came from Lou's phone.

"Who's that?" Jess asked.

"Oh it's just Amelia Brooks" Lou said whilst she scanned the text.

"Seeing if you have anymore updates."

"Oh, you guys are texting each other now are you?" Jess said playfully.

"Should I be saving a date next week to plan the funeral?"

Lou threw a pen at her. Jess dodged it.

"Well, do you have any Ryan Brooks updates?" Jess said.

"No" Lou said.

"Absolutely nothing new."

The lie made the knot in Lou's stomach grow tighter.

Connor and Liam were still denying the note that she had found in her sleeping bag when she asked them at University. They'd suggested maybe it was Tristan or one of the girls. Of course their denial wasn't solid proof it hadn't been them. But Lou had to consider the possibility 'what if' what if it was actually someone who was involved in the Ryan Brooks Case and they were trying to scare her off into changing her final assignment? Someone who had a lot to lose if she kept on going.

She told nobody about the note not even the girls, not the boys even when they asked what it said, not her parents and not even Amelia. Their concern might stop her assignment dead in its tracks and she had to take control of any potential leaks. She had secrets to old to her chest and she would learn from the master, Miss Montana Brooks.

"Where's your dad?" Lou asked.

"Duh, he came in, like, 15 minutes ago to say he was off tutoring."

"Oh yeah" Lou said.

Lies and secrets were distracting. Jason had always tutored 3 times per week as it was part of the Miller routine and Lou knew it really well. Her nerves were making her act weird. Jess would notice before long as she knew her too well. Lou had to calm down as she was here for a reason. And being rather skittish would get her caught out. She could hear the sound of the television in the other room, Robyn was watching some 'Netflix'.


Now was Lou's perfect moment to act.

"Hey can I borrow your laptop of 2 secs?" Lou asked.

"Just need to look at this book for science."

"Yeah sure" Jess said whilst passing the laptop to Lou."

"Just do not close any of the tabs."

"I won't" Lou said turning the laptop round so that Jess couldn't see the screen.

Lou's heartbeat quickened and there was so much blood behind her face she was she must have been turning red. Leaning down to hide behind the screen she clicked up the control panel. She had been up until 3am last night because that 'what if' question was haunting her and chasing her sleep away. She looked through the internet.

Anyone could have followed her there into the woods. That was true. Anyone could have watched her and lured her and her friends out of the tent so that they could leave the note. True. But there was one name on her person of interest list and one person who would have known exactly where Lou and Jess were camping. Robyn. She'd been stupid to discount her because of the Robyn she knew. There could be another Robyn the one who may or may not by lying about leaving Dylan's for a period of time of the night before Ryan died. One who may or may not have been in love with Luke. One who may or may not have hated Ryan enough to kill him.

After hours of research Lou had learnt that there was no way to see the previous documents a wireless printer had printed and no one in their right mind would save a note like that on their computer so attempting to look through Robyn's would be pointless. But there was something else she could do. She clicked into devices and printers on Jess's laptop and hovered the mouse over the name of the Miller family printer which someone had nicknamed 'best family' she then right clicked into printer properties and on the advanced tab. Lou had memorised the steps from a how to website. She checked the box next to keep printed documents clicked apply and it was done. She closed down the panel and clicked back on Jess's homework.

"Thanks" she said whilst passing laptop back, certain that her heart was loud enough to hear.

"No problem."

Jess's laptop would now keep track of everything that came through the printer. If Lou received another a note she would find out for definite if it had come from Robyn or not.

The kitchen door opened 'get out of here!' 'Save yourself.' Robyn stood in the door frame.

"God Robyn" Jess said.

"We are working in here, turn it down."

"Sorry" Robyn whispered.

"Just getting a drink."

"You okay Lou?" Robyn asked.

"Erm . . . Yep. You just made me jump" she said.

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