Mr. Bad Boy And Me

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Chapter 1
Kayla's P.O.V.

My name is Kayla Gray. I'm 5'4", long blonde hair, blue eyes, and an outcast. I'm not the type of outcast you think. I'm not scene or goth, not that I have a problem with them. They're usually great people, but I blend in with the crowd. I wear t-shirts, blue jeans, and converse. I wear light makeup and don't strut around like a whore. I'm very quiet and get my school work done. Don't mistake me for a good girl because I'm not. Well, not exactly. I don't break the law every weekend but I do love fun. I'm a skateboarder and I love rock and metal music. By looking at me, you wouldn't be able to tell. Some people call me a nerd but I'm not. I have the most trouble with school but I try to focus. Ah, school. Isn't it lovely? Yeah, right. I go to Carson High. It's this small town school that has cheap food and needs a major paint job. The class rooms are run down and seriously need to be repaired. The teachers aren't strict and some kids smoke behind the buildings while others dip tobacco during class. The teachers seriously don't see the bottle they spit in sitting on their desks? It's disgusting. I have a few friends that go to school with me so it's not so bad. Kimberly Jobs is my best friend. I call her Kim. She's a beautiful red head that all the guys want. Well, most of them. She hates their attention, though. My best friend is not a whore. She ignores the boys and carries on like nothing is wrong. We are both still virgins if that tells you anything. It's Monday morning and Kim and I are walking into the building. She rides to school with me in my black Corvette.

"So, how was your summer?" Kim asks. Oh, it's the first day of school and Kim has been gone all summer to Paris.

"Good. Just the usual swimming, tanning, running." I say shrugging. "How was Paris?"

"Oh, it was amazing! The Eiffel Tower was beautiful!" She says. It's been her dream since she was seven to see the Eiffel Tower so when she found out she was going to Paris, she almost had a heart attack. Literally.

"I'm glad you had fun." I say smiling. She smiles back, her eyes beaming.

"The guys there really are gorgeous!" She says. We laugh in unison as we get to our lockers. I put in my combination and open my locker.

"So, do you wanna go back?" I ask.

"Of course! The plane really wears a person out, though. Jet lag sucks! I plan on going after graduation for about a week." She says. Of course she wants to go the very next summer. We are in our senior year of high school and I couldn't be happier. The sooner I get out of this hell hole, the better. The doors at the end of the hall open and everyone falls silent. I look at Kim and she is staring that way straight faced. I look over my shoulder and see why they're quiet. Our schools top bad boy, Drake Parks, and his two minions, Derek Matthews and Nick Pulse, has walked in. The head cheerleader, Tina Weatherly, is hanging on Drake's arm. Everyone begins talking again and Tina is going on about something while Drake just gives her a bored look. Typical bad boy.

"What's so scary about that guy?" I ask Kim.

"Well, I heard that he got in a fight with Charlie Sander from Retro Academy and he won. You know how Charlie is. He's a gang leader and drug lord is what I've heard. He's very lethal. Everyone is afraid to step to Drake because of that." She says. Kim is always caught up on the gossip so all I have to do is ask her. I look Drake over as he comes down the hall. He's wearing dark jeans with a chain on the left side, a gray t-shirt, leather jacket, and black converse. His hair is slightly spiked on top of his head and his piercing blue eyes dare anyone to make a move at him. Derek is dressed similar only he lacks the chain, his shirt is red, and his converse are red. His hair is longer and sweeps across his forehead. Although still scary, he looks less lethal. Nick, on the other hand, is wearing light jeans, a white shirt, leather jacket, and red high top Nike's. His hair is short like Drake's but has a messy style to it. He looks genuinely friendly. As they walk by, Drake looks to me and nods his head slightly. I hear Kim gasp behind me. I turn to look at her.

"What?" I ask.

"He acknowledged you." She squeals.

"So?" I question, closing my locker.

"That's, like, the best thing that could happen to you!" She says excitedly. 

"Sorry, but jerk isn't my type." I say and walk away. She runs and catches up to me.

"You have lost your mind! Drake is a bad boy but he's so cute!" She says.

"He might be cute but he's still a jerk and a player." I say. She sighs.

"What am I gonna do with you?" She asks as we walk into first period, Biology.

"Love me, feed me, never leave me." I say quoting Garfield. She chuckles and we sit down as our teacher walks in.

The day went by pretty quickly. It's the typical first day, introduction to the course, requirements for it, etc. Kim and I are currently walking towards the cafeteria for lunch.

"I'm so hungry!" She exclaims. I chuckle.

"Me too." I agree. We push the doors open and walk inside. It's oddly quiet until we hear yelling coming from the other side. I look around the pillars and see Drake with a very annoyed look on his face while Tina cries and begs him.

"Please, Drake. It was a mistake. I regret it." She sobs.

"We're done, Tina." Drake says,  his voice dripping with annoyance. She lays a hand on his bicep as he turns to walk away but he harshly jerks away from her and glares. He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair then starts towards us. We step out of his way. When he gets beside us, he looks at me then shoots me a wink and leaves. What the hell? I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion but brush it off. We get our food and sit down.

"What's up, peoples?" My brother, Daniel, asks as he sits down. Kim giggles.

"Hey, Danny." She says. He smiles at her.

"What's up, sistayo?" He says turning to me.

"Hm? Oh, hey." I say poking at my food.

"Something wrong?" He asks, worry lacing his voice.

"No, I'm good." I lie, forcing a smile. I can't figure out why Drake has taken a sudden interest in me. He's the all time bad boy that everyone is afraid of but adores at the same time. I'm just me. Outcast, one friended, me. I'm not a cheerleader or popular. I'm not his type at all. Why would he possibly be interested in me? The cafeteria doors open and Drake walks right towards us.

Guess I'm gonna find out what his interest is.

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