Chapter 12

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Before the issue...

"I'll be right back." Drake says as he crawls out of the bed. He walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind him, shutting off all light. I release a heavy sigh. So much has changed recently that I'm not sure what to do. Drake and I have gotten closer, Kim and Derek are very close, Ryan is torn between in a way, and both Drake and I have lost a sibling. It's different without Danny. I'm used to the energy that radiated through the house when he was present. It's like you could tell when he was here. He was always so happy and it was pretty contagious. On top of being happy, he was protective. He protected me more than anyone. I could always rely on his calm words and spitfire attitude with anyone that made me upset. A lot of times, that attitude was directed at Drake. Drake never really acknowledged me, except for one time. We were in 8th grade and I was a lot less attractive then. Glasses, break outs, dorky clothes that never fit because of how awkwardly I was formed. It was a nightmare. The only thing even slightly pretty about me was my eye color. Anyway, one day I was going to first period. I was wearing a new outfit and I was looking forward to asking my eye doctor about contacts that very evening. I walked into my class that, unfortunately, I shared with Drake. As soon as I walked in, people started to point and laugh. I didn't know what was wrong, until I looked at the white board. There was a picture of me that someone from the yearbook had taken at a very bad time. My mouth was wide open and my eyes were squeezed shut. It looked like I was dying. It had arrows drawn on the board that pointed from various words down to the picture. Things like, 'four eye', 'dork', 'kluts'. All of it was written there in bright red, green, and orange markers. You couldn't miss it. I remember looking back at the back of the room and seeing Drake. He was kicked back in his seat, arms crossed, and a devilish smirk on his face. I ran out crying that day and decided it was time for a change. I had ran into Danny that day and he forced me to tell him what happened. When I did, I wanted nothing more than for Drake to feel my brother's wrath. And he did. But, that branches into another story.

"Hello, Kayla." A wicked voice says from the corner of my room. I shiver at the calm, yet wicked tone of the voice. I quickly turn my lamp on to find Nick standing in the corner.

"Nick?" I ask. He looks different. His eyes are mute and bloodshot, his clothes disheveled, and his hair a messed up tangle.

"I see you know my name." He says taking a step closer. The leather jacket that adorns his shoulders shifts with his arms as he puts them behind his back. His dark jeans blend with the outside world as he passes by the window.

"What do you want?" I ask. He releases a chuckle so low it could pass for a growl.

"You, my dear." He says.

"W-Why?" I ask. My heart accelerates and I will myself to scream for Drake, but no noise comes. It's like my throat dries up and no sound can escape.

"I'm so sorry about this, sweetheart, but my boss has given me orders. Don't worry about your precious Drake. He has something better in mind for him." He says then swings something. A blunt object hits me in my temple hard and everything is blurry. Stars cloud my vision and a splitting pain hits the back of my skull. I release a small whimper when I'm hoisted off my bed. I have to get away. I have to make him let me go. I try to move, but my limbs won't respond. Damn it! You can't go out like this! Make him let you go! My body won't respond to my overpowering mind. I slowly slip from consciousness.

"Please." I whisper just as everything goes black.

Drake's P.O.V.

I sigh and stand propped on the sink. The thoughts of Gracie and Danny overpower me. I couldn't let Kayla see me hurt, because Lord knows I wouldn't be able to resist her again. She's so innocent and I don't wanna take that away. Not until she tells me to, at least. I push myself away from the sink and open the door. The lamp is on, but Kayla is gone.

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