Chapter 12

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The next morning I awoke to Theo lightly shaking me. I look over to my alarm clock; 5 am.

    "Seriously Theo it is five in the morning."

    "Yes, now get up, you have five minutes to get dressed." He said with a smirk in his husky morning voice. It made me melt so I gave in and got up. Going to the bathroom. I was not sure what we were going to do, so I put on a t-shirt and some jeans. I put my hair up into a messy bun and walk back into my room.

    "Finally let's go."

    "Where?" He did not answer me. He walked up another flight of stairs, into the attic. Mattheo led me to a window that leads out to the roof. I look out and see that there is a hollow that is big enough to fit both of us. There were some pillows on the ground for us to sit on.

Mattheo went out first then offered me his hand to help me out onto the platform. It was dark, just before sunrise; I assume that is why he woke me up this early.

"What is this place?" I ask looking out over at the forest of fall leaves that were behind the manor.

"My place. No one else knows about it. I used to come here when my father would have me start a new task, or he would torched me. It was a place that I could come to think, just me. And now it's just us." He put an emphasis on the word us. I smiled knowing that I was the only one who knew about his place.

We look out at the sunrise. "This view is amazing." I say admiring the golden sun reflecting off of the colorful fall trees.

"Yeah it really is." He responds but I notice he was looking at me, not the view. I smile to myself.

After a few minutes he turns to me. "So tell me something about you that you have never told me." 

"Well, what do you want to know about me?"

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?"

Wow ok not what I had expected. "Umm no I have never dated. My parents have drilled it into my mind that I would be just burdening them with my presence, so they never let me date; for their sake."

"So I was your first kiss?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Well the first one I consented to." I mumbled thinking about that day.

"What!" He exclaimed

"Oh, umm nothing. Yes I would consider that my first kiss"

He smiled then it turned back into confusion and concern. "What do you mean the first one you consented to."

"I was used, abused once it's nothing." I say quietly, but I know that he was mad.

"Who, princess who hurt you?"

"I think you know." I leave it at that. "Next question, and please don't ask who."

"Ok fine, why were you exiled?"

"You haven't heard by now? Surely you know their side of the story."

"Not really, they have tried but I have never listened. All I know is that something happened with you and Ben."
    "That is true something did happen. But the quite opposite of what they think. They pin it on me when really he was the one who..." I trail off not wanting Mattheo to get in trouble because I know him. Ben would be as good as dead.

"How about you have you ever dated anyone?" I ask trying to change the subject. I think he noticed that I was done talking about it.

"Nope no girl has ever peaked my interest."

"So I was also your first kiss too?" He blushed looking down and nodded slightly. It was a really good kiss for his first time.

"What did you do to get thrown out of your last school?"

"Hexed a teacher." He stated easily.


"She was being a jerk."

"Fair enough."

The mood lightened from there. Mattheo went to grab a basket with a picnic that he had already prepared.

When he came back he noticed that I was shivering slightly. He put the basket down standing back up. I watch him uncertainly. He takes off his hoodie, and his shirt comes up a little as he does, showing his perfectly toned abs. I blush madly to myself as I feel butterflies in my stomach. He hands me his hoodie. I put it on thankful for its warmth, it smells like his cologne, spearmint, rain, and birch trees. I fell into the comforting smell. The hoodie is very big on me considering he is like 4 inches taller than me.

"Thank you"

"You're  welcome." He looks at how happy and safe I feel in his hoodie. "I am never getting that back am I?"
    "No you're not." I say shortly laughing.

We stayed there past sunset, talking and laughing. I even taught him how to play this old game, Ella my friend who had moved, had shown me how to play. It was called avocado avocado. Neither of us were very good. I lost the first time we were actually counting it. I ended up on P so he named me princess.

"Know you really are princess." He said sweetly, smiling.

He ended up with the name Aleix.

We watched as the stars came out and pointed out our favorite constellations. But eventually we had to go in since I would be leaving in the morning. I really would miss this place, where I felt safe and valued. Hopefully I will see it again soon. He walked me to my room and bid me goodnight

"Goodnight princess"

"Goodnight Aleix."

And with that I fell asleep.

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