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The human and vampire continued on until they came to a huge walled-off section of the city a couple blocks away from the water. Jade looked up at the tall wall and whistled. It must have taken forever to put up something like that. Which begged the question, how long ago was it built? She looked to the human expectantly.

"This used to be a quarantine zone when the outbreak first started but the vampires escaped simply by refusing capture and they spread into the city. We eventually moved in after making sure it was abandoned. It just needed a clean up. A really big clean up. But just as it was made to keep them in it also does a good job of keeping them out," he explained.

"I'm assuming the way in isn't as stupid as a door," Jade replied after running her sharp gaze over it once more.

"Well, we had to insure a one way in and out deal. It's hard on us but even harder on them because it gives us a simple guarding post. They rarely ever come sniffing around anyways. The one time they did we took them down pretty quick," he mentioned, walking over to the wall and then following it off to the left. It looked like he was counting under his breath. Jade tuned in and heard that he had just hit fifty when he stopped and toed at the ground.

"Here we go," he said, crouching down to dig his fingers under the dirt and broken cobblestone. He began to heave, lifting a slab of concrete. The vampire rolled her eyes before moving to help, jerking it clear out of the way with one hand.

"Thanks. Usually there's two of us when we go out but I insisted on going alone. I can travel quicker that way," he explained.

"You were pretty certain that you'd be coming back with me weren't you?" she taunted.

"What can I say? I'm certain of my skills," he replied with a shrug. She scoffed and shook her head.

"You have no skill. I'm starving and here you are offering fresh blood. How can I turn that down?" she remarked, running her tongue over her fangs purposefully. He gulped but forced a casual smile and ran a hand through his hair.

"I guess so. Um, ladies first?" he inquired with a gesture at the hole in the ground. Jade only crossed her arms and cocked a hip.

"Scrawny humans first?" she mocked in return. He frowned and she smiled triumphantly. He quickly brushed off the jab and climbed down. Jade followed him in, finding the handholds in the dark with her better eyesight. She lowered the slab of concrete down as she descended and then jumped the rest of the way. She landed gracefully at the bottom and squinted her eyes at the torch he held. It was a little too bright in the enclosed space for her eyes to look anywhere near it.

"Hey, pretty boy. Mind holding that away or preferably extinguishing it?" she suggested, shielding her eyes.

"Oh, sorry," he replied, moving it away from her.

"Yeah, no, never mind. That isn't working," she decided, grabbing it from his hand and dropping it in a small puddle of water at their feet.

"Hey, I can't see!" he exclaimed.

"Relax, I can see. Come on," she insisted, grabbing him by the arm and tugging him along. His warmth seemed to burn her hand and made her want to let go. It was like a reminder that blood flowed in his veins and she wanted it no matter how hard she tried to deny herself that pleasure. She told him of the different junctures and he replied with the right way to go. Eventually they reached a light up ahead. She quickly released him and sped up. She stopped under the source of light and waited for him to catch up. He climbed the handholds and pushed at the covering. Jade rolled her eyes at his struggle and tugged him back down. She then climbed up and pushed the cover aside. She let him exit first so that she didn't startle anyone. As soon as he was up and out she followed, climbing out to barrels of rifles pointing at her. She wouldn't have cared if her instincts didn't warn her to stay wary of the weapons. She had a feeling they could still harm her no matter how fast she healed.

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