Broken Defenses

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It was all too soon before Tori had to wake up again. Jade took it upon herself to wake her up by pouncing on the bed, holding Tori down and lightly biting at her neck but not drawing any blood. That would have been a disaster for both of them. Tori yelped and jolted awake, then growled dangerously when she felt the sharp teeth at her throat. It didn't help that she had been dreaming about fighting off vampires, desperate to get to Jade who had been overcome by too many. The dream didn't completely end for her so that she grabbed Jade by the neck tightly and rolled them over to pin her to the bed. She bared her teeth, ready to snap back, when she saw who was under her. This time, however, she glared and tightened her hold. Jade didn't put up a fight, just smirked without worry.

"At least you didn't let your guard down this time," she pointed out. An impressed note graced her tone just enough for Tori to detect before it disappeared.

"So should I interrogate you before letting you go then?" Tori questioned, a smug look on her face Jade wanted to punch off.

"Get the hell off me, Vega," she hissed, displaying her fangs.

"Aw, the kitty wanted to play and now she's being a poor sport," Tori continued, leaning in to tap at Jade's nose condescendingly.

"I hate you so much," Jade grumbled. Tori only smiled.

"Good day to you too," she replied. Jade pushed at her stomach, trying to get free, but stopped when her hands shifted and Tori's toned frame contracted under her palms. Her eyes flicked to Tori's chocolate browns to see shock and confusion, as well as a haze of pleasure that was barely noticeable but still there. Experimentally she rubbed up and then back down, watching as Tori's eyes drooped and her grip loosened. Jade slowly flipped them over so that Tori flopped on her back without alarm and Jade was now leaning over her. She rubbed at her stomach again and Tori made a sound that was almost a groan but more of a sigh. She looked to Tori's closed eyes and serene expression, biting her bottom lip in wonder, before slipping a hand under Tori's shirt to feel her burning skin directly. Her hand splayed over abs and traveled a little way higher before coming back down. This time Tori did groan, but it was quiet. It seemed she liked her belly rubbed and Jade was enjoying the way it affected her. It was perfect to use against her, she realized with a devious smirk. She rubbed at her stomach a little longer, her eyes taking in the way Tori's toes flexed, her fingers dug in the sheets, and her head tilted back. Jade gazed at the smooth expanse of her exposed neck.

Her teeth had scraped across that skin not too long ago. She was barely aware of her fingers now massaging and pressing against Tori's body, almost kneading like a cat, until what sounded like a knock at the front door brought them both back to the present. Jade quickly put distance between them, standing completely still at the doorway. Her hand still felt warm from Tori's skin while Tori could still feel the tingles that spread through her torso with Jade's cool touch on her body. She sat up when Jade removed herself so that they were now staring at each other from across the room, puzzled yet wired with an electricity neither acknowledged nor wanted to. Another few knocks and Jade turned away to answer the door, scolding herself and wondering what the hell had happened. She yanked open the door and then left it open so that the group could enter. She sat herself down on the armchair while the others took the couch. Tori came out a moment later and sat down at Jade's feet, leaning back on the bottom of the armchair. She tensed at her proximity and scooted away but Tori didn't seem to notice. Those who did thought nothing of it. When everyone was settled they looked to Beck to start since he was the one to call the meeting in the first place.

"Do you guys remember that story about The Dome?" he began, getting straight to the point. He looked from one face to another for an answer.

"Yeah, I heard of it," Robbie acknowledged.

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