Chapter 11 - Tyson vs Calem

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[Word count - 462]


Tyson and Calem were getting ready to start the first battle of the Hoenn Battle Shuffle. Everyone was watching them carefully, especially Ash since he battled Calem the other day at the Pokemon Center.

The referee came forward to start the battle.

"This will be a one-on-one battle with no substitutions." He said. "Trainers, send out your first Pokemon!"

Tyson pulled a Pokeball out of his back pocket.

"Let's do this Sceptile!" Tyson declares as he throws his Pokeball, and Sceptile appears.

"Time to battle, Lucario!" Calem said as he, too, throws his Pokeball in the air

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"Time to battle, Lucario!" Calem said as he, too, throws his Pokeball in the air.

"Alright, battle begin!"

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"Alright, battle begin!"

"Let's do this, Lucario! Use Aura Sphere!"

Lucario fires an Aura Sphere towards Tyson's Sceptile.

Lucario fires an Aura Sphere towards Tyson's Sceptile

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"Dodge and use Leaf Blade!"

Sceptile comes in with a Leaf Blade

The attack lands, and Tyson decides to keep the momento going

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The attack lands, and Tyson decides to keep the momento going.

"Keep using Leaf Blade!" Tyson commands.

"Dodge it!" Calem commands as well.

Sceptile temps to hit Lucario with another Leaf Blade, but no matter how hard he tried, Lucario kept dodging the attacks.

"Use Force Palm!"

Lucario puts its palm on Sceptile, and with enough power, it used Force Palm to send Sceptile flying

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Lucario puts its palm on Sceptile, and with enough power, it used Force Palm to send Sceptile flying.

Spectile was now paralyzed by the side effect of Force Palm, but Tyson refuses to go down without a fight.

"Leaf Storm! Go!"

Sceptile used its strongest attack it has, but Calem was prepared to deal with this

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Sceptile used its strongest attack it has, but Calem was prepared to deal with this.

"Jump into the center of the Leaf Storm!"

Lucario jumped into the eye of the storm, shocking everyone including Tyson.

"No way!!!"

"End it with Bone Rush!"

Lucario uses Bone Rush to hit Sceptile five times

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Lucario uses Bone Rush to hit Sceptile five times. They were powerful, and with Sceptile being paralyzed, it made it worse.

As a result, Tyson's Sceptile couldn't stand any longer, and collapsed.

"Sceptile is unable to battle! Lucario wins! That means that Calem gains one point!"

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"Sceptile is unable to battle! Lucario wins! That means that Calem gains one point!"

"A job well done, Sceptile."

Lucario nodded as Calem returns it to the Poleball. Meanwhile, Tyson walks over to Sceptile, who was still feeling the injuries from that battle.

"You put up a good fight, Sceptile. But in the end, they were much stronger than us." He said.

"You were right about that." Calem said as he approaches the two.

"We were much stronger than you, and no matter how hard you train, you'll never be able to make it to my level."

Calem walks away from the battlefield, and as he did, he caught a look at Ash, whom was now determined to battle him. However, he felt like Ash was not ready to battle him. At least not yet.

To be continued

A/N: Coming up is an old gym leader from the past.
Be sure to look forward to the next chapter. :)

Next book to update: The Beacon of Smiles

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