Chapter 4: The Encounter

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The morning dawned clear and bright, casting a golden hue over the forest as Ivor continued his journey deeper into the wilderness. The events of the previous day weighed on his mind, a reminder of the realities of the world outside the protective walls of Kingdom 1. The abandoned settlement had been a sobering sight, its silence and decay a testament to the relentless spread of the Blight and the impact it had on the lives of ordinary people.

As he walked, Ivor remained vigilant, his senses attuned to the sounds and sights around him. The forest was a maze of towering trees and dense underbrush, with sunlight filtering through the leaves in dappled patterns. The path he followed was little more than a worn trail, overgrown in places and often difficult to discern. Despite the challenges, he felt a growing sense of purpose, each step bringing him closer to the City of Light and the legendary Stone that could heal the world.

Around midday, Ivor reached a small stream, its water clear and sparkling in the sunlight. He knelt to drink, the cool water refreshing after hours of walking. As he sat on a nearby rock to rest and eat a simple meal, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. The forest, usually alive with the sounds of birds and small animals, seemed unusually quiet.

Just as he was finishing his meal, a rustling sound from the underbrush caught his attention. He stood quickly, hand on the hilt of his sword, eyes scanning the surrounding trees. The sound grew louder, and Ivor braced himself for whatever might emerge.

To his surprise, a figure stumbled into the clearing-a young woman, her clothes torn and dirty, her face pale with fear. She looked around frantically, her eyes widening as she spotted Ivor.

"Help me!" she cried, her voice trembling. "Please, help!"

Ivor rushed to her side, catching her as she collapsed. "What's wrong?" he asked, helping her to sit on a fallen log. "Are you hurt?"

She shook her head, struggling to catch her breath. "Bandits," she gasped. "They attacked our camp. My brother... he's still there. Please, you have to help him!"

Ivor's mind raced as he assessed the situation. The woman appeared exhausted and frightened, her eyes pleading. Bandits in the area were a known threat, especially to travelers and small groups. Without hesitation, he made a decision.

"Stay here," he said firmly, glancing around the clearing. "I'll go and see what I can do."

The woman grabbed his arm, her grip surprisingly strong. "No, please," she insisted. "I have to go back. My brother needs me."

Realizing that she would not be dissuaded, Ivor nodded. "All right, but stay behind me and keep quiet. We don't want to alert them."

The woman nodded, her expression resolute. Together, they moved cautiously through the forest, the woman leading the way with Ivor close behind. As they approached the camp, the sounds of shouting and the clashing of metal became audible. Ivor could see smoke rising through the trees, a sign that the bandits had set fire to something.

As they neared the camp, Ivor motioned for the woman to stay back. He crept forward, keeping low and using the underbrush for cover. The camp was a small clearing with a few makeshift tents and a fire pit. A group of rough-looking men were rummaging through the belongings, laughing and shouting as they tore apart the camp.

In the center of the chaos, Ivor spotted a young man, bound and gagged, lying on the ground near the fire. His face was bruised, and his clothes were torn, but he was alive. Ivor's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, counting at least four bandits, all armed.

With a deep breath, Ivor stepped into the clearing, drawing his sword. "That's enough," he called out, his voice steady and commanding. "Let him go."

The bandits turned in surprise, clearly not expecting any resistance. One of them, a tall man with a scar across his face, sneered. "And who might you be?" he taunted, drawing his own weapon. "A hero come to save the day?"

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