Chapter 3: Beyond the Walls

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The dense forest that enveloped Ivor seemed both a protective embrace and an enigmatic labyrinth. The further he ventured from Kingdom 1, the more the wilderness revealed its ancient, untamed beauty. Towering trees with thick, gnarled trunks stretched high into the sky, their branches forming a canopy that filtered the sunlight into soft, dappled patches on the forest floor. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the earthy scent of moss and pine needles, and occasionally punctuated by the distant calls of birds and other creatures.

As Ivor continued his journey, the path beneath his feet became less defined, giving way to a carpet of fallen leaves and underbrush. The forest was alive with sounds-the rustling of leaves, the chirping of insects, and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. Each sound reminded him of the life teeming within the forest, a stark contrast to the enclosed, muted existence he had known within the walls of Kingdom 1.

Despite the tranquility of his surroundings, Ivor remained vigilant. The stories he had heard about the dangers lurking in the wild kept him on edge. The Blight, an insidious force that had ravaged much of the land, had twisted nature itself, creating creatures and plants that were both beautiful and deadly. He kept his hand close to the hilt of his sword, ready to defend himself at a moment's notice.

The further he traveled, the more evident the signs of the Blight became. Here and there, patches of forest showed signs of corruption-trees with bark blackened and split, their leaves shriveled and lifeless; undergrowth that seemed to wither and rot, emitting a foul stench. These blighted areas were interspersed with lush greenery, creating a disconcerting patchwork of life and decay.

As he walked, Ivor recalled the lessons from the Old Master, who had taught him to recognize the signs of the Blight and avoid the areas most affected by it. The Old Master had spoken of the Blight as a living entity, a creeping darkness that consumed everything in its path. It thrived in the shadows, in places where the light could not penetrate, and its spread was relentless and unpredictable.

Around midday, Ivor reached a small clearing where a narrow stream babbled over smooth stones. The water was clear and cool, reflecting the blue sky above. He knelt by the stream, cupping his hands to drink deeply, savoring the refreshing taste. The stream seemed untainted, a rare blessing in a land where clean water was becoming increasingly scarce.

As he drank, Ivor's thoughts turned to the Stone of Light. According to the legends, the Stone was not just a powerful artifact but a beacon of hope, capable of purifying the land and banishing the Blight. Its light was said to be a fragment of the god Althar's essence, imbued with the power to heal and restore. The City of Light, where the Stone was kept, was a place of divine protection, hidden from the eyes of the unworthy.

Finding the City of Light was the first step in his quest. The map the Old Master had given him indicated that the city lay to the south, beyond the borders of Kingdom 1 and deep within the territories affected by the Blight. The journey would take him through forests, over mountains, and across rivers-each step fraught with challenges and dangers.

After refilling his waterskin, Ivor took a moment to study the map. It was a delicate piece of work, its parchment worn and faded with age. The inked lines showed the ancient roads and trade routes that once connected the Seven Kingdoms, with the City of Light marked as a distant, almost mythical destination. The journey appeared daunting, a testament to the vastness of the world outside the walls.

As he traced the route with his finger, Ivor felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The map was a link to the past, to a time when the Seven Kingdoms were united and the world was whole. Now, with the Blight spreading unchecked, it felt like a relic from a lost age, a reminder of all that had been lost. Yet, it was also a symbol of hope, a guide to a place where that hope could be rekindled.

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