writer speaking!

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hello my lovelies, I'm sorry to say but I won't be able to update this story for s couple of days or maybe weeks, sucks to say I'm grounded 😛 and got my phone taken away sooo I won't able to write another part.

if you are wondering how am I writing this if I don't have my phone? well I stole it back and I have to return it very soon, but don't worry bc once I get it back full-time I'll immediately update this story.

I will see you all very soon, love you all.

quick story time: okay so how i got my phone taken away was because me and my bsf lets call her ''bsf'' me and bsf were really bored and wnated to go out somewhere but our parents were really strict and we had yo sneak out, so me and bsf wanted to hangout with my bsf's friend ''M'' but me and bsf's parents hated M because of some stuff she did so me and bsf told my dad that we were going to out friends peyton's house but it was actually M's house so once we got there my bsf's dad found out and came and got us not even a min in so once we got back to my house me and bsf got yelled out and got everything taken away and mr and bsf cant see eachother for a while so yeah quick long story short im grounded and yeah #goinginsane

well thats all have to go now LMAO i will update when i can, see yall soon 😭😭

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