The First Tier: The Vampires

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After their revealing conversation with the seer, Ariana and Cael sat in the dark and cozy room of the old woman's residence. The seer, with a serious demeanor, knew they needed to thoroughly understand the situation of the vampires before venturing into their world. With a gesture, she indicated for them to sit, and began to recount the daily life of the vampires in the underworld.

—Vampires, once proud and powerful, now live in the underworld, the lowest tier of our society —the seer began, her voice resonating with a mix of sadness and firmness—. They were subdued by fire centuries ago, when demons betrayed their alliance and relegated them to the shadows.

Ariana and Cael listened attentively, feeling the weight of the seer's words. She continued:

—In the underworld, vampires have created a resilient community. They live in deep caverns and tunnels, protected from the scorching sun that can destroy them. Their homes are made of dark stone, with torches and braziers to illuminate the eternal darkness in which they dwell.

The seer paused to let the images settle in their minds before continuing with her explanation.

—Their daily life is a constant struggle for survival. The underworld is a hostile place, full of dangers and creatures lurking in the shadows. However, the vampires have developed skills and strategies to survive in this adverse environment. They are expert hunters, moving stealthily to capture their prey and ensure their community has enough food.

Cael nodded, familiar with these descriptions, while Ariana tried to imagine the harshness of that life.

—How is their society organized? —Ariana asked, eager to understand more about the social structure of the vampires.

—Despite their difficult situation, the vampires maintain a strict social hierarchy —the seer explained—. At the top is the leader, currently Vlad, who is equally respected and feared. Under his leadership is a council of elders, vampires with great experience and wisdom who help guide the community. Then there are the hunters and warriors, who protect and feed the community, and finally, the artisans and workers who maintain the caverns and provide essential goods.

Ariana could see how this structure allowed the vampires to remain organized and united despite the adversities.

—The vampires also have a rich culture and traditions —the seer continued—. Although they live in the shadows, they celebrate festivals and rituals that honor their ancestors and the history of their people. Music and dance are important forms of expression, and they often hold ceremonies under the light of the full moon, when the power of their lineage is strongest.

The seer then changed her tone, making it even graver.

—The betrayal by the demons is a deep wound in the collective memory of the vampires. They were subdued by fire, both a metaphor and a reality. The demons, using their control over fire, devastated the lands of the vampires and forced them to flee to the depths of the earth. This betrayal not only relegated them to the underworld but also marked them with a stigma that other beings in Elysia have not forgotten.

Ariana frowned, feeling the injustice of this betrayal.

—That is why the vampires deeply distrust demons and, in general, any being not of their kind —the seer said—. They have been betrayed and hunted, and now live in a constant state of vigilance and mistrust.

Ariana looked at Cael, now understanding better the difficulties he and his people had faced. Cael, for his part, seemed more determined than ever to change this situation.

—The prophecy offers hope for the vampires —Cael said, his voice filled with determination—. If we can unite with the witches and find the true meaning of love and desire without lust, we can restore balance and bring justice to all in Elysia.

The seer nodded, seeing the conviction in Cael's eyes.

—To fulfill the prophecy, you must understand not only the social structure but also the spirit and heart of the vampires —she said—. You must earn their trust and demonstrate that your mission is noble and just.

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