In the Heart of Oblivion

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Ariana and Cael continued their march toward the Forest Kingdom, advancing with firm steps through the dense vegetation and winding paths. However, as they progressed, the feeling of being followed intensified. Cael, with his keen vampire senses, was the first to catch the noise of footsteps and murmurs at a cautious distance. Ariana, always alert, soon noticed it too.

"We can't keep going this way," Cael whispered, stopping abruptly and looking at Ariana with seriousness. "We're being followed, and I'm sure they are Raziel's henchmen."

Ariana nodded, her face showing a mix of concern and determination. "Then we need to find another route. We can't afford a confrontation now."

With that decision made, they ventured onto a barely visible path, covered in undergrowth and fallen leaves. As they advanced, the path became increasingly narrow and twisted, taking them away from the main route and immersing them in the most unknown part of Elysia.

After several hours of walking, the landscape began to change. The giant, lush trees gave way to more scattered vegetation and irregular terrain. It was then that they began to notice the presence of various creatures rarely seen in the more traveled areas of Elysia. Wrinkled-skinned gnomes with long beards moved among the roots of the trees, busy with their own affairs. Burly ogres, with hard faces and tired eyes, rested under the shade of large rocks. Fierce-looking minotaurs patrolled their territories, always vigilant.

"It's incredible," Cael murmured, observing the creatures around them. "I knew there were minorities in Elysia, but I never imagined they lived so secluded."

Ariana nodded, her eyes scanning the scene with sadness. "It's as if they are invisible to the rest of society. Even vampires, being at the lowest rung, are not as forgotten as they are."

As they delved deeper into this new territory, the social differences became even more evident. The beings inhabiting this region were not only minorities but seemed to have been completely marginalized and forgotten by the rest of Elysia. They lived in precarious conditions, subsisting on what little they could find or make themselves.

An elderly gnome, with a shrewd look and bright eyes, cautiously approached them. "What are you two doing here?" he asked, his voice hoarse and distrustful. "We don't usually get visits from vampires in these parts."

Ariana, always diplomatic, bowed slightly in respect. "We are on an important mission and had to deviate from our path. We don't want to cause trouble, we're just looking for a safe place to continue our journey."

The gnome looked at her with curiosity before slowly nodding. "As long as you don't cause us trouble, you can stay. But remember, things are different here. We don't have the same privileges as you."

Cael felt a pang of guilt at those words. Despite being at the lowest rung of society, he had never experienced the true social invisibility that these creatures endured daily.

They continued on their way, now with a greater awareness of the reality these minorities faced. With each step, they found more examples of forgotten creatures: dryads living in dying trees, centaurs tending small plots of barren land, and trolls using rudimentary tools to survive in a world that had left them behind.

"It's heartbreaking to see how they live," Cael said quietly, as they passed a group of small kobolds playing with stones and sticks. "The society of Elysia is more cruel than I imagined."

"And to think we worry so much about our social position," Ariana replied with a sigh. "Here, they don't even have a rung in the social pyramid. They are completely ignored."

As they advanced, they began to notice a change in the behavior of the creatures around them. The murmurs grew louder and the gazes more intense. It was evident that their presence was not going unnoticed, and not all the inhabitants of this place viewed them kindly.

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