Mr. Forgettable

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James can't sleep, he can't ever sleep but tonight is worse, for whatever reason. So he has found himself wandering around the halls attempting to tire himself out. They had just gotten back from a weekend at home and perhaps James might be missing his parents. He'd never admit that to anyone, besides maybe his mom.

James comes across the astronomy tower and decides to make the trek to the top, hoping something about it would make him want to sleep. As James reaches the observation room he doesn't seem to notice the small figure in the corner.


James shrieks like a five-year-old girl. He nearly jumps out of his skin before gathering himself enough to speak. "Regulus?" Regulus sighs, upset that his alone time has been cut short.

"Sorry," James responds timidly, "I can go if you want."

"It's okay, stay if you want." Regulus shrugs

James eventually settles, sitting on the floor a couple of feet away from Regulus.

Regulus gets scared half to death when James suddenly starts speaking after minutes of quiet. "Why are you up here, it's late?"

"Couldn't sleep," Regulus lies half-heartedly, "You?"

"Ohhh, nightmares right?"

"Yeah, how'd you-" Regulus gets cut off by James already starting to explain himself.

"You and Sirius get them of your parents and that house. Sirius doesn't get them a lot anymore, he says not going back there has helped. Remus too, although he probably wouldn't admit that out loud."

Regulus pauses, thinking over what he wants to share with James. "Oh, hm. I guess mine will get better then."


Regulus pauses again, preparing himself. "I- they kicked me out."

"Oh." James pauses before choosing his next words carefully. "If you don't mind me asking, why?"

"I like boys." Regulus lets out, just barely loud enough for James to hear.

James is the one to stop and think carefully this time, leaving the room in an awkward silence before he speaks. "Thank you for telling me. I want you to know that they are in the wrong, not you."

"No, I know."

"Sirius does too. I don't know if he still likes girls but him and Remus are-" James lets out almost rambling, not wanting to say the wrong thing to Regulus.

"I kind of figured. I had a suspicion before, but when you said that Remus helps him, I knew."

James lets out a small "oh" before yawning and slowly getting up "I'm gonna go get some sleep, you staying here?" If James didn't know Regulus he would say that he almost looks disappointed that he's leaving.

"Yeah. James?" Regulus asks looking up at James, somehow looking smaller than he did before.


"Don't tell anyone," Regulus says carefully.

"Of course. And if you need anything don't be afraid to ask, okay?"

"Okay," Regulus nods, knowing full well the last person he would want to go to for help is James Potter. Even though he did just have a meaningful conversation with him and is currently listening to James make his way down the tower. It is at that moment Regulus realizes how truly fucked he actually is, and that sooner or later he will have to ask someone for help.

As James makes his way back to his shared dorm thinking over his interaction with Regulus he realizes that this was the first time he'd seen Regulus out of his normal day clothes and in pajamas. He feels his face warm at the thought, seeing Regulus vulnerable and willing to open up to him.

Next James ponders how he could help Regulus. All of his options unfortunately include going against Regulus' wishes and telling someone. After some mulling over he decides that he's going to talk to his parents, to at least give Regulus a place to stay even if he doesn't want it. James also decides that he'll tell Sirius too, thinking maybe he already knew. He just needs to figure out how.

Eventually, James does get back to his dorm and settles in bed. He can't help but wonder if Regulus has also gone to bed or if he is still up in the astronomy tower alone in the dark. 

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