Goodnight Moon

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Some days later, after another couple of late-night visits with James, Regulus is sitting up in the astronomy tower writing when he hears a familiar voice calling his name.

James likes to make his presence known as soon as he starts climbing the tower to not scare Regulus. He likes to have one-sided conversations with himself on the way up. A few times James heard Regulus giggling softly at some of the things he said. Tonight though James didn't hear anything at all. He wondered if Regulus was even up there. He continued the trek anyway, talking and singing to himself.

He makes it to the top where the observation room is and finds Regulus sitting in his normal spot intently writing in a journal. He doesn't look up when James makes it to the top or when he sits down next to Regulus.

"What are you writing?" James asks. He hasn't seen Regulus so focused before, even mid-chapter of a book he'll still stop to look at James.

"Give me like two minutes" Regulus answers, still not looking up from his notebook.

James waits, and waits, and waits. He probably only waits a couple of minutes but it feels like an eternity. James doesn't like sitting in silence, he doesn't know what to do, and his thoughts come and go quicker than he can hold onto them. When Regulus puts his journal down and starts talking James almost has a heart attack.

"What did you say?"

"Hm?" James snaps his head so he's looking at Regulus.

"What did you say?" Regulus asks again.

"Oh, I asked what you were writing."

"Nothing, it doesn't matter."

"Yes it does, you were writing in there for forever."

"Drop it potter, it doesn't matter, It's none of your business." Regulus snaps


This was the first time James had even a fraction of Regulus' anger directed towards him. He absolutely hated it. James had seen Regulus get angry, mostly at people who would say nasty things about Sirius. And mostly without Regulus' knowledge. That's something Regulus and Sirius had in common, even if they were in the middle of a fight they would defend the other like no one else.

"I'm sorry," Regulus mumbles, "It's not your fault."


"In first year a couple of Gryffindor boys stole it, started spreading rumors that our parents were going to make Sirius and I-" Regulus pauses and takes a deep breath. "or that they had. Nothing like that ever happened nor would I write that it did. But anyways they found my personal information funny and would read it out loud."

"Reg, I had no idea" James answers.

"No I know, I didn't mean to direct my anger towards you, I'm just really protective over it, Barty and Evan don't even know where I put it, never mind what's inside."

"It's okay Regulus, you don't have to explain yourself to me, I understand." James is calm and reassuring, more so than Regulus has ever heard in his entire life. He doesn't really even know how to react, it's so different from what he's used to. He feels safe though, confident that James and the little family he's built will show him what family really means, he hopes so at least.

"Sorry" Regulus whispers

"Don't be sorry Reg, it's not your fault." James tries not to show it but he's sad for Regulus, sad that he reminds James so much of Sirius only a few years ago, sad that Regulus hasn't been able to truly be himself all these years.

Regulus stands up suddenly, slightly startling James. He walks over to the telescope, "Come here" Regulus waves James over. "I wanna show you something."

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