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Regulus wakes up the next morning in an unfamiliar environment and jolts out of bed. After looking around and taking in the environment he realizes quickly that he is safe and is in his room at James' house.

Regulus had stayed up questionably late staring out his window, taking in the sky from this perspective. Once sleep did fall over him it was not a peaceful night, he was riddled with nightmares about his mother and father. He decides that he will not be able to go back to sleep and instead is going to get dressed and go down to the kitchen for breakfast.

James had given Regulus a quick tour the previous night but the house is big and confusing, much like Grimmuald. Instead of relying on his memory early in the morning, Regulus follows the smell of warm coffee and sizzling bacon.

As Regulus walks through the halls he realizes that this house is nothing like Grimmuald, although they are similar in size James' home has a strong, warm, comforting feeling. Family photos line the walls, not the posed ones Regulus was forced to be in every year, but photos taken amid a moment; James learning how to ride a bike, or Sirius opening gifts on Christmas.

Regulus was so enamored by the pictures and paintings on the walls he failed to realize that he had made his way to the kitchen where Effie is cooking.

"Hello dear," Effie's voice brings Regulus back to the present. "Sirius is asleep and James is out for a run so breakfast isn't quite done yet, but you're welcome to have anything ready. Or I could make you something else if you want."

"Oh, no thank you, I'll wait at the table until it's done." Regulus is thankful that James informed him that they typically eat at the counter in the kitchen and leave the dining room for special occasions.

"Oh, Regulus I am going to the store today, let me know what color you want your room to be and I will pick up the paint while I'm there. James has red and Sirius has blue, you can pick any color you want."

"Would it be okay if it is green?"

"Of course, what shade do you want?"

"Maybe a forest green, I think anything else would be too bright."

"I agree," Effie turns around and smiles at Regulus. "We can decorate it like a forest too if you would like, we could put some fake vines on the walls, some plants too."

Regulus' face lights up, "Yes I would like that thank you."

"Like what?" James asks, returning from his run.

Regulus didn't hear James come in, he's wearing a sleeveless shirt and you can see the dark spot where it's soaked through from his sweat. Regulus can feel his cheeks start to heat and quickly diverts his attention from James. He had never seen James' upper arms before and admittedly he is much more fit than Regulus would have thought.

Regulus knows James is attractive, most of the school knows James is attractive but he has never thought about it this much before. James had also never been standing in front of him after a workout either.

"Go shower, breakfast is almost ready."

For the second time that morning Effie brings Regulus out of his James-related trance and for the first time Regulus realizes that he is so inexplicably fucked.


"How are you liking the color so far?"

This is the second day Effie and Regulus have spent painting Regulus' room, it's looking pretty good but they won't be able to know for sure until tomorrow when it's dry.

"I really like it, I think it's gonna look nice." Regulus is smiling, he didn't get to decorate his room at Grimmauld. Sirius hung up pictures even though he wasn't supposed to, he would regularly get in trouble for it.

"Good, me too." Effie smiles back at Regulus. "If you want we can put some shelves in and have some hanging plants."

"Okay, but can we get fake ones, I don't know how to take care of plants, and I don't like bugs."

Effie laughs, "Yeah we can get some fake ones for you. Oh, and you won't be able to sleep in here again tonight so you'll have to sleep in the guest room again, that okay?"

"Yes, Mrs.-" Effie gives Regulus a look, "Effie, I will be just fine in the guest room."

Effie starts to walk out of the room, motioning for Regulus to come with her. "You just let me know if you aren't, James insisted that you have that room but wouldn't tell us why. He's so funny like that sometimes."

Regulus can feel a blush creep up on his cheeks, James never had to be this nice to him, making sure he is comfortable but not sharing his secrets. Very few people have shown unwavering kindness to him, Sirius did when they were young but no one has since. No one except for James.

"Yeah," Regulus smiles, "I've noticed that."

Regulus starts to realize that he definitely has more than a small crush on James. He's also realizing that he's been thinking of James more and more fondly as he spends more time with him.

As Regulus settles down for bed that night he's beginning to think as insane as it sounds Evan might be right. What if he is in love with James? Surely James wouldn't want Regulus to live there anymore, surely James' parents and Sirius would agree with James. What would he do? Go back to his parent's house? Regulus doesn't think he'd be able to handle that, not after everything that's happened.

Regulus doesn't want to lose James as a friend either and as much as he hates to admit it James is probably his best friend and having that sort of connection has suddenly become very important to him.

Regulus then realizes that the only way he is going to be able to get through this is by pretending it doesn't exist. He doesn't know how much it will actually work cause it seems to be all he can think about at the moment, but it is the only option he can think of.

Later that night as James is falling asleep he thinks about the day's events and how it was weird that Regulus wouldn't look at him at all during breakfast. Maybe James is remembering it wrong but he thinks that he even saw a hint of pink on Regulus' cheeks when he walked in from his run.

No, James is definitely remembering it wrong, why would Regulus have been blushing, it doesn't make any sense. Well, none of it makes sense but that part is really confusing to James.

Right before James loses consciousness he thinks that over the next days, he is going to watch Regulus more closely to see if he is actually being weird. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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