Chapter 56: The Inferno Continent

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The next day...

Mazhanshi and her friends woke up during their voyage on the Kuan Bian and saw the coast of Yanjiang. It was grassy with a few mountains here and there. Looking down the coast to the south, they saw the jungles of Tiankong getting further away. "That must be Yanjiang." Quantou said. "It is." Daoshi said. "How long until we dock?" Zei asked. "I'll check." Mazhanshi said. She went to Captain Haidao. "How long until we dock?" she asked him. "We'll pull up close to the shore and have the smaller boat sail to the shore and drop you off. We should be ready to take you there in about 2 hours. That'll give you time to get some supplies and rations. And if you need us again, we'll be sailing around to the western tip of Yanjiang." Captain Haidao said to her. "Thank you, Captain." Mazhanshi said. She went back to her friends to tell them the news.

Mazhanshi made it back to her friends and told them the news. "The smaller boat will take us to shore in 2 hours. We should use this time to gather some food and supplies." Mazhanshi told her friends. "Ok. Let's hurry then." Daoshi said. The group went below decks to get some food. They got some fruit, berries, dumplings, and rice cakes. Once they had all gotten their supplies, the 7 of them boarded the small boat which Li was manning. "You all ready?" Li asked. "Yes we are." Mazhanshi said. The smaller boat set out for the shore. Once arriving on the shore, Mazhanshi and her friends disembarked. Li went to the edge of the boat. "Good luck." she said. "Thank you." Mazhanshi said back to her. The group watched as the smaller boat sailed back to the Kuan Bian, and then watched both boats sail north. "Let's head out." Daoshi said after a few minutes. The group set out, heading northeast inland.

Meanwhile, back in Conglin, General Binjiao and the Champions had rested and gotten fully ready for the day. "So when will your archers return?" Tudi asked. "They'll be here soon. Let's give them some more time." Sheshou said. The 5 of them kept waiting for a little while. After another hour, the archers returned to Conglin. "Welcome back." Sheshou said. One of the archers spoke. "Thanks. If you want to know about Mazhanshi, she and her friends got away with the key on a small boat and boarded a larger ship. We last saw them heading north." the archer said. "Thank you for the intel." Sheshou said. "We should head north as well. We'll check Yanjiang and see if the Champion there is able to stop Mazhanshi. Let's eat and then head out." General Binjiao said. The 5 of them went to have breakfast of chicken and rice. Once they were finished, they got their horses and started riding north towards Yanjiang.

Meanwhile, back in Caoyuan, the Outcast Clan army had regrouped after their defeat to Commander Youshou. One of them saw three messenger hawks flying towards them. They had the hawks land on their arms and took out the messages written in the tubes on their backs. One of the Outcast Clan soldiers read the message out loud to the rest of the army. "I have found where the cannons are made. Come to Shao Jiao in Yanjiang to help me invade. From Junfa." the soldier read and then addressed the whole army. "We're going to march to the north coast of Yanjiang, where some of our ships have sailed to. We'll then sail those ships to Yanjiang to rendezvous with Junfa." the soldier said. The army cheered loudly, and after a few hours of packing up the camp, they began marching north towards Caoyuan's northern coast.

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