Chapter 99: The White Goddess Nushen

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Mazhanshi and her friends continued their journey through the Spirit World to claim the Yin Blade. Mazhanshi and Zei had a small fight earlier, but made up and made their friendship stronger. Now they felt confident enough to continue on.

After fully passing through the valley in the Spirit World, the group came across another valley. This valley had what looked like a brown pit in it, but gazing at the other end of the valley, Mazhanshi saw the second gateway. "There it is." Mazhanshi said. "We're not far now." Daoshi said. "Let's head into the valley and cross it." Zei said.

The group descended into the valley. After walking for a while, they reached the base of the pit. It was about 60 feet across and very deep. Jian tried looking into it, but couldn't see the bottom. "What is this pit?" he asked. Mazhanshi got out her scroll. "This is the Pit of Condemnation." she told him. "What is the Pit of Condemnation?" Zei asked. "When we die, our spirits come here by default. However, the Spirit World has a goddess named Nushen who watches over it. The Pit of Condemnation is a one way pit between the Spirit World and the Abyss. Nushen has used the pit to judge the spirits of longmas who have passed away. If she deems them unworthy to live in the Spirit World, she will send them to the Abyss by way of the Pit of Condemnation." Mazhanshi said.

Jian then came up to her. "Who's Nushen?" he asked her. "I am Nushen." a voice said. Mazhanshi and her friends turned to see who said it. Standing before them was a longma with white skin. She had a purple tail and purple hair done up in a bun. "She wore a purple sleeveless top that bore her midriff and a purple skirt. She was standing before Mazhanshi and her friends. "I am Nushen, goddess of the Spirit World. What is your business here, intruders?" she asked. "We are trying to get the Yin Blade." Mazhanshi said. "Your clan has tried to claim that blade for 6000 years. I'm not letting you take it." Nushen said to Mazhanshi. "I don't agree with my father's beliefs. I defected from the Outcast Clan and am trying to get the Yin Blade to keep him from getting it." Mazhanshi tried saying to Nushen as truthfully as possible.

Nushen then spoke. "Even if your intentions are pure, I cannot allow you to enter High Tiantang. There is an evil in there that must remain locked up." Nushen said. Mazhanshi looked at her scroll and saw the white dragon and white horse inside High Tiantang on the scroll. She then turned up at Nushen. "Guang Long and Guang Ma are inside High Tiantang. Did something happen between you and them?" Mazhanshi asked Nushen. This question made Nushen mad. "You will pay for trying to prod into my past, mortal. Baishi Longs, Baishi Mas, attack them!"

As Nushen said this, Mazhanshi and her friends saw several Baishi Longs and Baishi Mas emerge from the ground. They all had cores of varying colors like the ones Mazhanshi encountered in the shrines. "There are more of those in here?" Mazhanshi asked. "Yes. They serve as a final line of defense of High Tiantang. Let's see what you intruders make of them." Nushen said. "Fighting these golems has kind of been our thing lately." Mazhanshi said to Nushen. She then turned to her friends. "Let's take down one of the Baishi Mas." she said to them. "Ok." Zei said.

Mazhanshi and her friends ran up to the nearest Baishi Ma with their weapons drawn. Jian shot the forehead core with an arrow. Daoshi stabbed the chest core with his staff. Daoren slashed both of the cores on the rear legs, and Mazhanshi slashed both of the foreleg cores. All of their attacks destroyed the cores. The Baishi Ma fell apart with all of its cores destroyed. Nushen appeared surprised at first. "Impressive." she said to them initially before shifting her tone. "But it won't be enough to save you this time!" she then said to them. She waved her hand, and the Baishi Ma was magically reconstructed, ready to fight again. "Oh boy..." Quantou said. Mazhanshi turned to her friends. "Forget fighting the golems! We have to reach the gateway." she said to them. "Understood." Daoren said. Mazhanshi turned to Yu Ma. "Think you can get us all to the gateway?" she asked her. "I can try." Yu Ma replied. Yu Ma knelt down so Mazhanshi and her friends could get on her back. Some of the Baishi Longs and Baishi Mas tried breathing fire and electricity at then, but Yu Ma took off just in time. "Go after them." Nushen ordered the golems. The Baishi Longs and Baishi Mas did as ordered.

Mazhanshi and her friends made it to the second gateway on Yu Ma's back. Looking at the gateway, it was identical to the Spirit Gate and had 8 keyholes. Looking back, they saw all of the Baishi Longs and Baishi Mas advancing on them. "We need to open the gateway quickly. We cannot fight that many golems, not when Nushen can revive them." Mazhanshi said, opening the large backpack. The Spirit Keys were inside. Everyone take some keys." Daoshi said. Everyone grabbed a couple of keys out of the large backpack and went up to the keyholes on the gateway, taking care to match each key with its keyhole. Upon inserting, turning, and removing the keys, a magic portal formed inside the second gateway, filling it completely. The Baishi Longs and Baishi Mas were getting closer. "Everyone inside!" Mazhanshi said. The group ran inside the portal just as Nushen and her golems arrived. "If they remove the Yin Blade, the world will be in a lot of trouble." Nushen said upon seeing Mazhanshi and her friends go inside the portal.

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