Chapter 95: The Abyss Gate

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Meanwhile on the snowy continent of Nan at the southern part of the world...

Junfa and his cohorts spent the night in a snow cave to take cover from the oncoming wind chill from the previous night. Now on the next morning the sun was shining and had melted some of the snow that they had used to barricade the cave entrance, allowing them to easily leave. Junfa was awake first and was waiting for everyone else to wake up. After waiting for about 40 minutes, everyone else was awake. Everyone gathered around for a quick breakfast of dumplings and rice cakes. "We're going to reach the Abyss Gate today. Is everyone ready?" Junfa asked them. "We are all ready." Nulieren said, upon finishing her breakfast. "Excellent, once we are all ready, we'll head out." Junfa said. After about 40 minutes, all 4 of them had breakfast and got on the sleigh. Junfa's hawk got on his shoulder. Junfa took the reins and they were off.

Junfa directed the horse pulling the sleigh towards the south, in the direction the Abyss Gate was. Nulieren, Cike, and Suojiang rode in back as they rode south. All of them had robes to keep them warm from the cold. After an hour and a half of riding, Junfa could see some mountains appearing on the horizon. "The Abyss Gate is on the other side of those mountains. I'll looks for a pass so we can enter." Junfa said to Nulieren and her friends. "Sounds good." Nulieren said. As they rode closer to the mountains they got larger and larger. Eventually, Junfa saw a pass and directed the horse towards it. The sleigh started proceeding through the mountain pass. The four of them could see that the mountains were covered in snow and ice as they were passing through them.

Upon passing through the mountain pass, Junfa could make out a giant lake. The mountain range that they passed through surrounded the whole lake. There was a brown island in the middle of the lake, and Junfa could make out a black gateway on the island. Once they made it to the shore of the lake, Junfa had the horse stop at the shore of the lake and saw some trees to tie the horse to. He went over to secure the horse and the sleigh. Nulieren got the Abyss Keys out of the sleigh, and Cike got the food from the sleigh.

Junfa was looking at the lake and the island that was in the middle. "Look for a way to cross the lake." he said to everyone. Suojiang peered across the shore and saw a small boat. "There's something we can use." he said to Junfa. Junfa took a look at the boat. It was small but could carry all 4 of them and the Abyss Keys with ease. There were 4 oars, one for each of them. "Everyone, get on board and take an oar." he said.

Nulieren and her friends got on the boat. Once on board, each one of them took an oar. Junfa pushed the boat into the water and then climbed on. Nulieren handed him an oar once he was on board. Over the next hour and a half, the four of them paddled across the lake before arriving at the island.

After much paddling, the 4 of them reached the island. Junfa pulled the boat onto the shore and everyone got off, bringing the Abyss Keys and their food with them. They took a look back at the lake for a minute before looking at the island. On the center of the island was a black oriental gateway made of black stone. The gateway was easily 100 feet tall. Nulieren could make out a plaque with symbols on it at the base of the gate. She went to read it. The symbols on the plaque translated to "The Island Of Diyu. Home Of The Abyss Gate.". She went back to tell Junfa and the others. "This is the Abyss Gate. We have made it." she said to everyone. "Excellent. Let's find out how to open it." Junfa said.

The four of them looked at the gateway. Suojiang noticed something at the base of the gateway's left pillar. He saw what looked like a keyhole with a red gem above it. He then did a walk-around of the pillar and saw three more keyholes with orange, yellow, and green gems. He then walked to the gateway's other pillar and saw four more keyholes. These keyholes had blue, cyan, purple, and pink gemstones. He then went to Junfa. "There are 8 keyholes surrounding the gateway. We are to use the Abyss Keys on the corresponding keyholes to open the Abyss." Suojiang said to Junfa. "Nulieren, we'll each take 2 keys and open 2 keyholes with them." he said, turning to Nulieren.

Nulieren handed 2 Abyss Keys to everyone else before taking 2 of her own. The 4 of them went up to the keyholes, taking care to match their keys with the corresponding keyholes. They inserted the keys into the keyholes, turned them, and removed them. Upon inserting, turning, and removing the Abyss Keys, magic gem lines lit up and ran up to both pillars of the gateway. Junfa and his cohorts all gathered together just as a magic portal formed inside the gateway, filling it entirely. "This is the portal to the Abyss. Let's go inside and claim the Yang Blade." he said to Nulieren and her friends. The 4 of them went inside the portal, with Junfa's hawk following them.

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