Chapter 1- "Everyone else is trying to swallow each other"

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"Marisa, are you going to homecoming?" Alison asked, flipping her perfectly straight blonde hair over her shoulder. I threw my head backwards in laughter.

"Puh-lease, like I would go to an event where the combined IQ score of everyone in the room is a total of 5." Alison pouted as I opened the door to AP math class. All of our classes were AP classes.

"Hi girls," Mr.Travis said as we made our way to our seats. No one else was in the room yet. I grinned as I plopped down at my table. Since we had groups based on our levels, Alison and I couldn't sit next to each other. At Alison's table there were few other people. My table was just me and an empty desk.

"Why not?" Alison whined as she smoothed her skirt before she sat. Alison was practically a human Barbie. Naturally pretty, super skinny, always wearing a little makeup, and gorgeous pink outfits. Today she was wearing a light pink cardigan with a plaid hot pink skirt. She was practically a human boy magnet, although she was in a serious relationship with her boyfriend, Cameron. They'd been dating since freshman year.

"Because, it's pointless. I'll have no one to hang out with because you'll be making out with your boyfriend, and so will all of my other friends. I'll just be sitting there like a weirdo while everyone else is trying to swallow each other." Alison laughed, her hair bouncing with her. Then, she frowned.

"But we're juniors! That's the big year! All the fun happens! We don't have to worry about college, and we can still go to dances and stuff! Please come with me! Please!" She shot me a puppy dog look, and I put a hand over my eyes.

"No, not the puppy dog face! You weaken my judgement!" Alison just kept at it, although I could tell a smile played on her lips.

"Ok, ok fine! I'll make you a deal," I said, and she perked up. "If someone asks me to the formal, then I'll go."

"Marisa, will you go to formal with me?" Alison asked, hope in her eyes. Gosh, she could be such a ditz.

"A boy you idiot! If a boy asks me to be his date, then I'll go," I stated. Alison scrunched up her nose angrily, and I knew exactly why.

"But that's never going to happen! Anyway, you'd just refuse him! You hate all the boys in this school," Alison complained, just as students began to pile into the room. I leaned over and put a hand over her mouth. Thank god we sat close to each other.

"Sh! We'll discuss this later and no I don't! I just don't... Like them," I whispered as I took my hand away from her mouth. She stuck out her tongue. What a pain.

I opened up my binder to my math section, and placed my backpack neatly on the seat next to me. With my favorite mechanical pencil in hand, I wrote my name and the date neatly in script in the heading of my colorful reinforced loose leaf. Then, I looked up at Mr.Travis for further instruction. Yes, I'm the girl who people who called a teachers pet, or a goody goody. But just because I wanted to get good grades doesn't mean I always followed the rules. Anyways, my teacher just stood there with a grin on his face, waiting for the rest of the class. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked across to Alison. She was looking at me too.

'What's going on' I mouthed.

'I don't know' she responded.

When everyone was settled and Mr.Travis still hadn't done anything, the class was amidst with confusion and excitement. Finally, the teacher cleared his throat and made his way to the door.

"Good morning class! I bet you're all wondering what the delay for class is. Well, everyone, welcome our new student to Wilson High, Alexander Huntington."
As he stepped into the classroom, all the girls swooned. Except for me. I already knew I didn't like him.

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