Chapter 5- "I'm on the track team and you're tragically unfit"

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading my story! Above is the dress that Marisa wears to the party (It'll make sense once you read this chapter) Enjoy!!

Alison strolled through Lindsey's, a local botique, picking out dresses of various lengths and colors that I vowed I would try on, no matter how ugly or odd they looked. That was a rule we had when shopping. Don't judge a dress by it's hanger. I know, you may be thinking, why would I judge it by the piece of metal. The expression didn't mean the literal hanger it was on, it just meant that we should try it on to see how it looks on ourself first. When Alison had surveyed the whole store she handed me her selections then shoved me into a dressing room.

I examined the first piece of clothing, gasped, and glanced at the next item.

"Ali, where are the dresses?" I called and I held out the third selection in front of my face disgustedly. Alison opened the door to the dressing room and pointed to the pile of dresses I placed on the rack,

"They're right there? What are you talking about?"

"That's not a dress, that's a piece of fabric!" I exclaimed angrily.

"You know the rule, now TRY IT ON!"

With a sigh, I picked up a dress that I believed could actually go past my underwear and shoved it over my head. I took one look in the mirror and groaned. The red fabric hugged my skin way too tight, reaching just past my upper thigh. The cut at the top was so low I was afraid that my boobs would pop out! Like hell was I wearing this, especially in front of a hormone driven boy.

"Come out! Let me see you in it! I know you're wearing it." Alison pestered cheerily.

"Do I have to?" I whined, not wanting to take a step outside in it. What if someone saw me! I would be mortified.

"Yes, now come out. You can run, but you can't hide. Anyways, I'm on the track team and you're tragically unfit."

After muttering a few obscenities, I came out of the dressing room.

"Oh my gosh you look hot! Imagine Alex's face when he sees you in that!" Alison clapped her hands enthusiastically then motioned for me to twirl.

"Ali, are you crazy? I look like a hooker."

"Um, yeah, that's kinda the point. So are you ready to take that off and check out?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to go CHECK OUT some other stores, c'mon we're leaving."


After 3 hours of shopping and 50 stores we finally found a dress that looked decent. It was a short sleeve white lace dress. The top half clung to my skin nicely while the bottom flowed out. It was the last dress Alison had picked out before the mall closed and I absolutely loved it. We decided to pair it with some tasseled grey suede ankle boots, an abundance of long necklaces, gold bangle bracelets and some rings.

The next day, I came over Alison's house and she curled my hair to death. I literally found chunks of my hair on the floor, that's how viscously she yanked it! She then grabbed me and forced me to sit at the vanity.

"What are you doing?" I asked hesitantly as Ali began to tie my wrists to the chair. Wait, WHY IS SHE TYING MY WRISTS TO THE CHAIR?

"I'm doing your makeup" she declared as she began to take out many brushes and tools that she could manage to poke my eyes out with.

"Oh hell to the no!" I hollered as I tried to break free of my constraints. Alison began to approach me with a sponge of foundation.


"Ouch, that hurts my face. OW stop that! Ew I look like a thot! TAKE IT OFF!"

"Shut UP Marissa!"



"Ok, ok fine."

Next chapter will be the party! I wanted to include part of it in this chapter, but it's pretty long and I couldn't cut it off right. Vote if you like the story and please feel free to leave comments on people who you picture as the characters. I have two ideas for Marisa that I'm not super happy with but are okay, and I can't find any boys! Thanks!

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