Chapter 2- "Why would you sit me next to someone who oozes stupidity?"

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Behold, the beautiful Sean O'Donell. He is basically how I pictured Alex so, yeah.
"I prefer Alex, actually," the boy said, his voice deep and loud. The boy was tall, muscular, had light brown hair, and bright blue eyes. When he smiled, his teeth were so white, they practically blinded me. He looked like he stepped out of a disney movie. I hated it. I could already tell he was going to be popular, not just because he was handsome, but he gave off that 'star football player' vibe. Plus, he was wearing an NFL hoodie along with his dark worn out jeans.

Alison looked over at me hopefully as if to say 'Formal?' I shook my head ferociously and looked down at my binder. I had no interest in the boy anyways, so I began to doodle on my paper.

"Now, since you all are seated by your mathematical ability, I thought it was only fair to give Mr.Huntington a math test on some topics as well as look at his records. So, Mr.Huntington, go take a seat next to Ms.Regal." I jerked my head up quickly, and the whole class gasped.

"What!" I exclaimed, extremely shocked. The boy mirrored my expression.

"Is there a problem, Ms.Regal?" Mr.Travis asked.

"No, sorry for being rude, it's just, um, I uh, oh never mind!" I said, then mentally scolded myself for rambling. I looked over to Alison, a concerned look on my face. She was grinning at me widely.

'Your perfect for each other' she mouthed, 'plus he's super cute!' I scrunched my nose angrily at her, then looked down at my hands.

"Wait," Alex said, "I have to sit next to her!" I looked up again, curious to what he meant. Everyone had done the same.

"Yes, Mr.Huntington, why?" Mr.Travis asked.

"But she's sitting alone, which means that must need extra help. I like to consider myself very good at math. Why would you sit me next to someone who oozes stupidity?" I stared absentmindedly for a second, processing what he just said, then clenched my teeth, using my desk to hold me back from strangling him. Who did he think he was? Mr.Travis looked just as surprised.

"Oh no he didn't," Alison muttered under her breath, just loud enough so I could hear.

"Excuse me!" I exclaimed as I began to rise from my seat. My face burned red and I could picture the steam coming out of my ears. Alex seemed mortified to have to sit next to me, and my anger just confused him.

"She's the smartest kid in the class, you idiot!" exclaimed a student from the back. I inwardly thanked that person as I gripped the desk. Alison got up, nodded to the teacher, grabbed me and sat me back down.

"Calm down," she whispered "be a duck. Don't let him see you sweat. Let it roll off your back." I didn't let go of the desk.

"Oh, so she's the smartest in the class." He paused, then grinned cockily. "Not for long." He strode towards my table, plopped his binder on the desk, and pushed my backpack off the seat. I gawked at him, infuriated.

"Are you going to pick that up," I snapped, pointing to my backpack. He shook his head, smirked, then plopped down next to me. Boy this was going to be a long day.

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