Chapter 7- "Me, no likey you. You meanie. We no friends."

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The pitchers of coke, multi-colored Fanta and Pepsi dropped down on me, staining my brand new white dress. But that wasn't the worst part. As I fell, I somehow ended up sliding into the punch bowl. When the crash sounded everyone stared at me. The DJ paused the music too, so it was just me, drenched, embarrassed and cold, in utter silence. The silence which was broken by Alex's laughter. He was hooting and hollering, sounding like a hyena as he did so. He waved to the DJ while attempting to collect himself.

"I got it, don't worry," he chuckled.

The man gave Alex a thumbs up and turned the music back on. I could hear the whispers going on about, but everyone ignored us after a few minutes and continued dancing as if nothing happened.

"So Mar, looks like you got yourself in a STICKY SITUATION," Alex joked as he slapped his knee chortling to himself. I just bit the inside of my cheeks and tried not to cry. Sniffling, I wiped my eyelids and began to stand up. I then realized I was sitting in a punch bowl.

Groaning, I placed my hands on either side of the glass and attempted to pull myself out, failing miserably. This seemed to have sparked Alex's interest because he stared wide eyed at me, obviously trying to prevent a round two of howls. Annoyed, I tried to get up once again. The bowl didn't budge. Alex's eyes began to tear as he continued trying not to laugh.

"Go ahead," I muttered. With that, he began to guffaw. I probably would have been too, had I not been the one covered in carbonated beverages, stuck in a glass bowl. Eventually after he stopped laughing, Alex offered me a hand. I gazed up at him, surprised at the kind gesture. He grabbed my hand and began to tug me upwards, but I had different plans. With a wicked grin, I yanked his hand down and he fell right beside me, causing the last pitcher of soda, Sprite, to fall down on his dark jeans and light blue button up shirt.

Lucky, I thought. He got the clear one.

"That was for laughing at me. And this," I said as I picked up the cherries for the Shirley temples and dumped it on his head, "is for the first day of school"

After getting cleaned up and borrowing some clothes from Mrs.Huntington, Alex and I decided to hang out in his basement. It had a long black leather couch with reclinable seats, a pool table, an air hockey table, some arcade style games, a foosball table and a small fireplace with a flat screen above it. We sat in a comfortable silence as we watched Friends reruns. It was one of my favorite shows and it took a lot of whining on my part to get Alex to change it from watching football. That kid was obsessed.

"I'm assuming you're trying out for the football team tomorrow?" I said as I attempted to make small talk.

He looked at me questioningly. "How'd you know?"

I shrugged. "You just seem really into it. I mean, you're wearing that NFL sweatshirt again and all you wanted to do was watch football. Plus you look the type."

"Extremely handsome and well built?" He smirked and turned to face me.

"No, extremely arrogant and cocky." I muttered as I focused my attention to the television. Rachel and Ross were at the laundromat and a lady just took their cart.

"C'mon Marisa, I though this was the start of a beautiful friendship! And you know you love me," he replied with a wink. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at his face. Sadly he caught it, causing his grin to grow wider.

"I'd consider it more as a reluctant acquaintance. Wait, I'm sorry, I should use words you understand. Me, no likey you. You meanie. We no friends. We no like to, but we see each other a lot. Yes? Or do I need to dumb it down even more?" When I finished, instead of being furious, Alex just laughed. What?

"You're funny you know? And, yes, me understand. But don't worry, you'll like me soon enough. They always do."

"In your dreams pretty boy."

"You just admitted I was pretty, so I think I won this round."
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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