Chapter 6- "Are you gay for my brother?"

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Behold, the gorgeous Emily Rudd, the girl I feel like is how I pictured Marisa. Well, here's the first party chapter. Enjoy!
As my parents and I climbed the steps of Alex's house, I began to freak out. What if there were a bunch of popular kids in there? What if it was all adults and Marisa was forced to hang out with HIM. What if Marisa embarrassed herself so profusely that she would go viral on YouTube? Why was Marisa referring to herself in third person? Because Marisa is nervous and doesn't like parties? Or because all the hairspray Ali used killed Marisa's brain cells and now Marisa is hallucinating. Yeah, that's it! I'm hallucinating! I can't actually be going to Alex's party! But as my mom rang the Huntington's doorbell, it felt pretty real.

"Collin, can you pinch me?" I asked my younger brother, who was engrossed in his cell phone. Kids these days, am I right? Oh gosh, now I'm sounding like grandma. Worried, I poked Collin's head until he looked up at me, his green eyes annoyed. The little stinker was lucky to inherit Mom's eye color. All the girls in the Seventh grade were obsessed with him. Definitely the looker of the family.

"What do you want!" He grunted, glaring angrily at me.

"Can you pinch me? I think I'm hallucinating."

He gave me a funny look but nodded in agreement.

I closed my eyes ready for the pinch, but a fist collided with my arm, pushing me into the railing that was thankfully on the steps.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU LITTLE..." And I proceeded to say something that rhymed with hit, if you understand what I'm saying. Get it? Cause he hit me and that rhymes with a bad word? Ok, I'll shut up now. Bad pun over.

"Oh, you said pinch me? I thought you said punch me! My bad." He smiled at me innocently. As tempted as I was to knock that look off his face, the door opened and out came Mrs. Huntington.

She looked just like Alex with her long curly raven hair, piercing blue eyes, and perfect teeth.

"Welcome, welcome. You must be the neighbors who live next door! I'm Louise! " She ushered us inside and I noticed that the party was only the people who lived in the neighborhood. That should make me feel relieved, right? WRONG. My neck of the woods was filled with old people, five year olds and super parents. Super parents are those adults who are obsessed with all the "healthy food" choices for their babies, and their "sanitary needs". My parents didn't care where I crawled and toddled when I was little. I could come home from school covered in mud and they wouldn't care. If I came home with a B though, they'd blow their tops. My family is weird.

"So that man over there," Mrs.Huntington gestured to a man with a thick head of blonde hair, "is my husband Kyle, and that little girl is my daughter Alesia." Alesia had her father's hair but the same blue eyes as her mother. She looked around Collin's age and when she laid eyes on him, she immediately began gawking. Figures. Curse my awful genetic pool!

"Lastly, there is my son, Alexander. He looks about your age hun!" Mrs. Huntington smiled brightly at me. Oh goodness, please don't tell me she's doing what I think she's doing.

"Alex! Alexander! Come here sweetheart! This young lady lives right next door, and is your age! Isn't that exciting?" Great.

Alex, who was standing by the snack table, turned around and grinned amusedly as he saw me with his mother. I attempted to smile, so I wouldn't look rude, but I ended up grimacing.

"Oh, we've met before. Although I do remember you looking a little less constipated last time I saw you. Do you need to go to the bathroom? I can get you some medicine if you'd like," he said with false concern. I growled at him as he ruffled my hair. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

"Alexander! Don't be rude! Sorry about him, oh wait, I just realized I don't know your name!" She laughed heartily, placing a hand on my shoulder and flashing her teeth. Gosh, this woman is so pretty she could be a model! I felt the corners of my lips turn upwards and began to answer her, but Alex cut me off.

"Mary. Her name's Mary."

I felt as if my stomach dropped down to the floor. Mary? MARY? Where did he get that from. I could understand Mari, or Mar, but MARY? I don't even know why I cared, so what if he didn't know my name. He meant nothing to me. He was just like a pesky fly who kept buzzing around my room. But the feeling in my chest said otherwise. As I opened my mouth to correct her, Mrs.Huntington just continued to speak. Goodness, this family needs to learn to take turns talking. I should get them a talking baton as a house gift.

"It was so nice meeting you Mary!" I cringed at the name, but nodded my head and attempted to look joyous. I probably looked like the Joker. "Well, I'll leave you two to talking! Bye!"

We waved and just as I was beginning to walk away from him, Alex grabbed my wrist and turned me around. He wore a cocky grin as he pulled me closer to him and began walking to the table full of food. As I caught a waft of the delicious smelling food, I began drooling (not literally though, GROSS!). The fancy foods, like mouth watering honey glazed chicken and sushi with soy sauce, the greasy foods, such as the large pepperoni and sausage pizza that appeared to be homemade, and the junk foods, for instance, the Doritos I was currently eyeing. Along with a large selection of drinks, there was also a desert stand that was not open yet. I gazed longingly at the chocolate fountain and cotton candy machine. These people must be rich. Who spends this much money on food. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not complaining. But still. Wow.

"So, Marisa, anything look good? I know one thing that does and he's standing right in front of you." Alex pursed his lips and waggled his eyebrows. I let out an unattractive snort. As if! However, realization hit me and I furrowed my brows at him.

"Wait, why did you tell your mom my name is Mary? You obviously know my name!"

"Oops! My bad! It's just... Your so adorable when your angry!" He then proceeded to pinch my cheeks and play with my curls. I slapped his hand away.

"Gosh, your just like my brother!" I exclaimed. Alex gave me a curious look and I pointed to my brother.

"The one my sister is staring at just like someone on a diet stares at a donut?" I nodded, repressing a smile at his comment. Darn it, why could he make me laugh so easily! "Well, I can understand why you think we're so alike."

"Because you both love to bother me no extent?" I asked, crossing my arms and tilting my head upwards so I could see his face. Yeah, I'm short. Deal with it. 5'3 and proud.

"No, because we're both super hot."

"You think my brother's hot?" I scrunched up my nose at him and he shrugged.

"Yeah. It's a fact. I'm not ashamed to admit it. That kid has got some serious looks."

"Alexander!" I gasped playfully. "Are you gay for my brother?"

He winked.

I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. I clutched my chest as I began giggling hysterically. "Alex... Gay.. For my b-brother. BAHAHAHAHAHA," I wheezed between breaths. I leaned on the drink table for some support, pressing my weight upon it. That's when it collapsed. Causing me to fall along with it.

MWAHHAHA (don't worry, Ill update really soon) but anyways! Vote if you like the chapter! I know some parts were a little weird, I may go back and fix it later.

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