She heard the question but couldnt immediatly answer..

The fire crackled softly, casting a warm glow over the small cottage as Lucia and Evie sat side by side. The adrenaline from the earlier confrontation had faded, leaving behind a quiet that felt both comforting and heavy with unspoken words. Lucia’s injuries had been tended to as best as possible, and Evie had done what she could to make her friend comfortable. The firelight flickered across their faces, casting long, dancing shadows on the walls.

Lucia stared into the flames, her expression distant. Evie, sensing the gravity of the moment, remained silent, allowing Lucia the space to gather her thoughts. After a few moments of silence, Lucia took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Evie,” Lucia began, her gaze still fixed on the fire, “
"I will tell you now..Im ready."

Evie turned her full attention to Lucia, her curiosity piqued. “I’m listening.”

Lucia hesitated for a moment, her mind revisiting memories she had long tried to bury. “I wasn’t always a recluse. I once lived in the town, just like you. I was young, and my family was close-knit. My mother was a healer, and my father was a craftsman. They were good people, and they taught me to use my abilities for the benefit of others.”

Her voice trembled slightly as she continued, “When I was sixteen, a terrible illness spread through the town. People were falling ill one after another, and my mother was working tirelessly to help them. I was her apprentice, learning everything I could to assist her. But despite our best efforts, many people died.”

Lucia’s eyes grew distant, and her hands trembled as she spoke. “One night, a fever took hold of my younger brother. He was only ten. I remember trying so hard to save him, using every bit of magic and knowledge I had. But it was too late. He passed away.”

Evie reached out, placing a comforting hand on Lucia’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Lucia. That must have been devastating.”

Lucia nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “It was. But what came next was worse. The townspeople were desperate for someone to blame. They started whispering that my family’s magic had brought the illness, that it was a curse. They turned against us, accusing us of witchcraft and malevolence. My parents tried to defend us, but the fear had already taken root.”

She took a shaky breath, her voice faltering. “One night, they came for us. They stormed our home, tearing it apart. My mother and father were killed, and I barely escaped with my life. They hunted me through the forest, but I managed to hide and eventually find refuge here.”

Lucia’s voice was filled with pain as she continued, “The stories they spread about me were lies. I never intended to harm anyone. My magic was always meant to heal and protect. But the damage was done. The townspeople's fear became a self-fulfilling prophecy, and I became a symbol of everything they wanted to fear and destroy.”

Evie listened intently, her heart aching for Lucia. She could see the depth of the pain in Lucia’s eyes, the scars that went beyond the physical ones. “Lucia, you didn’t deserve any of that. The things they did to you… it was wrong. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been. You aren't evil, just misunderstood."

Lucia looked at Evie, a mixture of sadness and gratitude in her gaze. “Ive never told anyone.. no one ever talked to me since.. I’ve built these walls around myself, not just to keep others out, but to keep my own pain contained.”

Evie squeezed Lucia’s shoulder gently. “Thank you for trusting me with your story. I can’t change the past, but I want you to know that you’re not alone. You’ve shown me kindness when I was at my lowest, and that means more to me than you know. You could never be a bad person.."

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