Don't I Just?

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I had no idea where Jack was going to take me, so I had no idea what to wear. Brilliant.

I stared down at my bed, which had clothes strewn over it, wearing nothing but a towel and my sister Kay was searching through and trying to help me find clothing to wear.

Even though she thought I was tacky, she still wanted to help.

"Where's he taking you?" Kay asked, raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow at me, I shrugged and earned a groan from her.

"Just wear your Pierce The Veil shirt, a denim vest, skinny jeans and your American flag Vans." Kay said, waving her hand dismissively and exiting my room.

I quickly got dressed and brushed through my purple hair, I replaced my nose ring and wiggled my nose as I looked in the mirror.

I looked normal, which is how I looked in the music store. Jack should be pleased.

"IS HE COMING HERE?" mum shouted up the stairs. I sighed, around now is the time that mum bombards me with questions.

"I'm meeting him at the music store!" I shouted back, jogging down the stairs, it was 9:00 now, oh my God, I'm late.

"I have to go, bye, love you, yep, bye." I shouted, dashing out the door, the music store was just around the corner, so I wouldn't work up a sweat running there.

I was panicking like crazy, first date and I was already late, great job Autumn, that's always how you get a guy to like you.

I turned the last corner and saw Jack leaning against the music store, his arms crossed and his biceps bulging dramatically, oh dear.

I approached slowly and Jack's eyes met mine, his were shining happily.

"You look beautiful." he complimented, then wrapped me in a hug. I blushed.

"Thank you, you look beautiful too." I joked, Jack looked down at himself and struck a pose.

"Don't I just?"


Jack held my hand as we walked to the car, he was looking around nervously as if someone was going to jump out of nowhere.

"So, Jack, I haven't seen you around here before." I stated, staring at my canvas clad feet as I walked. Jack squeezed my hand as he chuckled.

"Nice way to break the ice." he observed, I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

"And I've just moved here with my friend Alex." he answered, he dug his car keys out of his pocket, pressing the unlock button on the remote. The cars headlights flashed and the car beeped as it unlocked.

Jack opened the passenger door for me and jogged to his side, climbing in and quickly doing up his seatbelt. He smiled at me and then he leaned closer, inspecting my ear.

"Nice plugs." Jack said, I smiled and began to fiddle with them, they weren't too big, but I had managed to find Pokéball plugs, which I thought were freaking awesome.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked as Jack pulled out of the car park, he had the radio on quietly, as background noise.

"It's a surprise." he smirked, flicking the turning indicator. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Can I have a hint?" I asked, Jack pulled to a slow stop at a red light.

"We're driving there now." he turned his head to me and smiled cheesily as I stuck my tongue out at him.

I never acted like this, with anyone, what made Jack so different?

"You aren't very good at hint-giving." I mumbled, watching the street lights as the car sped past. Jack laughed and began swerving from side to side, as the road was clear.

"WEEE!" he shouted, swerving dangerously to the left and right, I gripped onto the door and his arm until he began driving sensibly again.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, clutching my chest and trying to calm my fast beating heart. Jack smiled and began to make the car go fast, he was almost reaching 100 kilometres per hour, he didn't seem frightened, but I was shitting myself.

"Jack, what are you doing?!" I shouted, holding onto his arm and my seatbelt for dear life. Was he trying to get us killed?

"Where I came from, the streets were always busy, and I've always wanted to do this so..." he shrugged, edging the car closer and closer to 120 km's per hour.

"Jesus Jack slow down!" I shouted, trying not to let my voice break in fright. The car began to slow down as Jack noticed the set of traffic lights ahead, when we were back to normal speed, I relaxed in my seat and sighed in happiness, thankful that I hadn't died.

"I have literally always wanted to do that." Jack said, after an eerie silence, I bit my bottom lip.

"Do what?" I asked, breathing heavily, my heart refused to slow down and my stomach was doing more flips than a gymnast.

"Drive dangerously with a beautiful girl, in hopes that I'd die next to her if something went wrong." Jack admitted, wiggling around in his seat. I rose an eyebrow.

"How many girls have you used that line on?" I asked.

"None that have called me out on it." Jack said, stopping the car and pulling the keys out of the ignition.

He was out of the car and opening my door before I could ask where we were, answering my unspoken question, Jack smiled.

"Have you ever been bowling before?" he asked, locking the car and grabbing my hand, I nodded and his smile grew wider.

"Good, then you might be able to win."

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