Sleeping Beauty

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I woke to a damp towel being pressed against my forehead gently, my eyes slowly flickered open, I blinked a few times until my eyes adjusted and two figures came into focus.

I recognized the pink and blonde parts of their hair and immediately smiled.

"Jesus, your hair is bright." I muttered, using my forearm to block the light. Jack chuckled and bent down to kiss my cheek,

"Thank God, I thought you wouldn't wake up." Jack breathed, wrapping me in his arms and burying his face in my neck. I saw Alex standing awkwardly in the corner, he began whistling and I giggled.

"I'm going to go now." Alex said, dashing out of the room.

Jack pulled away and planted kisses all over my cheeks.

"Jack." I giggled.

"Mmyes?" he said, licking my cheek. I shuddered and rubbed his saliva off my cheek.

"Um, firstly, where are we?" I asked, looking around the room, it wasn't familiar at all, "and secondly, don't you think we're moving a bit fast, a-as a couple?" I added, Jack rose an eyebrow.

"We're back in Baltimore, in Alex's old apartment. And you do realise you've been out for a month, right?" Jack explained, my eyes widened.

"A month?! Wh-what? That can't be right!" I panicked, running my hands repeatedly through my hair. "Jack, you're joking right?" he shook his head, I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my forehead against them, my hands were gripping my hair tightly, as if it would help make sense of this ridiculous statement.

"Come on, Autumn, relax." Jack mumbled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, "You were going through way too much pain, you had an infection, and we thought putting you on a sedative would make it less painful." he explained, his voice low and soothing.

I couldn't help but let the tears escape my eyes, not only had I been asleep for a month, but I haven't seen my family, I haven't explained where I was, or anything, I missed them so much, and I abandoned them, but the tears were also for the night both Jack and I got shot, the tears I had held in were finally being let out, and they weren't planning on stopping.

"It's okay, let it all out." Jack patted my back and began humming a soothing tune, I wiped the tears away and looked up at him, sure of the fact that I had a tear stained face and a red nose.

"I've never heard that before, did you make it up?" I asked, tucking a piece of my purple hair behind my ear. Jack smirked and nodded, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Wait here while I get you something to eat. Alex should come in soon, and be your entertainment while I'm gone." Jack wiggled his eyebrows and exited.

Wait, what kind of entertainment?

The door burst open and Alex entered, in a lovely gown and a feather boa around his neck, he had ridiculous glasses on, with a cocktail in one hand, and a cigarette in the other, he greatly resembled someone I had once seen on Australian tv.

"HELLO DARLING!" Alex yelled, in a ridiculously posh accent, I fought the urge to laugh when I saw his hairy leg on show through the slit along the side of the purple sparkly dress.

"Oh my God....Jack help!" I cried, covering my eyes as Alex pulled the dress up slightly, revealing more of his thigh. "Alex! What! What are you doing! Keep your clothes on!" I laughed, taking a quick look at him before covering up my eyes again. I squealed as I felt the feather boa around my neck.

"Come on, honey. Just dance with me." Alex gave me his 'sexy glare' and wiggled the feather boa around, making me laugh even harder.

Alex gulped the cocktail down in one swallow and began stumbling around the place.

"I think Kingsley put a bit too much alcohol in this." he stated, "KINGSLEY!"

The door burst open yet again, and Jack entered this time, a silver tray in one hand, he was wearing a formal vest with completely nothing underneath, and a pair of denim shorts.

"Yes, milady?" Jack asked, Alex stumbled into him and Jack caught him, then threw him out of the room.

I was laughing extremely hard, my face was now buried in my pillow to quieten my laughs and my sides were hurting extremely badly.

"J-Jack, why?" I asked, recovering the breath I had lost through laughing.

"Just thought you needed a little cheering up." Jack admitted, placing a plate with scrambled eggs on the bedside table beside me.

I looked at it and wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Ugh, eggs." I groaned, but scooped some up and ate them anyway, not wanting Jack to be offended. He clutched his heart and fell to one knee.

"If that's how you feel about my cooking, then fine, I'll eat it myself." Jack snatched the fork away and began eating my breakfast, with no shame at all.

I shook my head at him and reached for my phone, pressing the on button, the screen lit up and showed 53 messages and 61 missed calls. My eyes widened as I realised that the boys probably didn't want to touch my phone.

All the messages were from Michelle, asking why I wasn't at work, or around the neighbourhood, and the missed calls were from a mixture of mum and Kay, I was gonna be in a load of shit when I get home.

"NO! NIKKI! GIVE ME BACK MY FEATHER BOA!" I heard Alex shout from the other room, something shattered and two people muttered shit at the same time, knowing they'd get some form of punishment for breaking an object.

"Alex's girlfriend must be here, come out and say hi." Jack said, before burping and covering his mouth with his hand, looking adorable as he did so. I shook my head.

"Naw, it'll be weird, I mean, I'm living in a house with her boyfriend, and I have been for a month." I responded, Jack chuckled.

"Relax Autumn, she helped look after you whenever me and Alex were busy, you really should come say hi." he grabbed my hand and slowly helped me out of bed, his eyes widened when he realized I was only wearing my underwear.

I looked down at myself and blushed, Nikki must've been the one that changed my clothes and bandages.

"B-Boobies." Jack muttered, I blushed even more and grabbed one of Jack's shirts out the cupboard, it dusted the middle of my thighs, and was long enough for me to wear as a dress.

Jack's mouth was still opening and closing like a fish, and his eyes were wide. Seeing girls in their underwear must really effect him.

"N-nice tattoo." he stuttered, running a hand down his face. The tattoo on my chest was a quote I had heard, written in elegant script.

"Everyone has their demons." I quoted, absent mindedly scratching the tattoo through the shirt. "Anywhore, take me to meet Nikki, Mr Barakat."

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