Feather Boas

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Alex's P.O.V

God, she was beautiful, but she really should give me back my feather boa.

"Nikki, come on, give it back." I said, holding out my hand, the cheeky brunette shook her head and stuck her tongue out at me.

"What's the magic word?" she sang, her voice was melodic, and would be beautiful to fall asleep to.

"Please?" I tried, Nikki smirked and threw the feather boa around the back of my neck, making my face lean closer to hers, our lips met and I smirked when I realised that I had won.

Her perfect lips molded against mine and I gripped her waist with a bruising force, she stumbled back slightly and knocked over a vase, sending it shattering to the floor.

"Shit." Nikki and I mumbled at the same time, we scrambled to clean it up, before Jack could see it and yell at us for breaking something that looked valuable.

Nikki's chocolate curls bounced around her chest as she jogged back and forth from the vase shards on the floor, to the garbage bin.

She was literally perfect in my eyes.

"Jack! Stop staring at my legs!" I heard Autumn scald, her British accent had to be from South Shields, being from Essex myself, I pretty much recognised where any British accent came from.

"But they're there, and they're looking all perfect and-and-"

"Jack!" she responded, Jack groaned.

"Fine, I'll stop. But on one condition." he bargained, they were taking their time in walking down the stairs, probably too intrigued in their own conversation to care about us.

"Is that Jack and Autumn?" Nikki whispered, sneaking closer to the stairs with me, so we could eavesdrop on their conversation.

"And what would that condition be?" she asked, I could picture Autumn raising her eyebrow at him. I already knew Jack would think of something kinky, he barely ever thought of anything different.

"You have to admit how much of a great kisser I am." the smirk was clear in Jack's voice.

Autumn scoffed.

"Naw, sorry, I've had better." Autumn shot back, Nikki and I burst into laughter as they came down the stairs, Jack had a shocked expression on his face, and Autumn looked triumphant.

"Never speak of this." Jack said, his eyes flickering from me to Nikki and back. Nikki and I saluted him.

"Yes sir." we said in unison.

Autumn's P.O.V

"Jack, I need to call my family." I told him, he immediately shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but there might be someone tracking your house or tapping into the phone calls you make there. I can't take that risk." Jack explained, snatching my phone away from me and taking off the back casing to observe all the metallic objects in the back.

"There doesn't seem to be a tracking device." he muttered to himself, he seemed so serious, I'd never seen him this serious before.

"Why would there be? I only became involved in this a month ago and I was asleep for most of it! And to be honest, I'm kind of uncomfortable living with you and Alex when I barely know you guys." I explained.

"Autumn, please. This has gotten extremely dangerous for you in such a small amount of time. We have to take everything seriously." Jack reasoned, I sighed and nodded.

"Fine, as long as I don't see Alex in the dress again."

"I think that can be arranged."



"You can wear that vest more often." I added with a wink, Jack smirked and rolled his eyes.

"You can't get enough of me, can you?" He asked, leaning closer and closing his eyes, I moved out of the way as he fell forward, onto his face.

"Seems like I can." I teased, winking at him again before walking away. Jack just smirked and rolled off of the bed, landing on all fours.

"I'm gonna go get something for us to eat tonight. Like a ninja." he wiggled his eyebrows and began crawling towards the door.

"Can I come?" I asked, wanting to get outside for the first time in a month. Jack shrugged and stood up, dusting himself off.

"I don't see why not, but you may want to put some clothes on." He replied, I looked down and realised I was still wearing Jack's shirt. "Just borrow some of the clothes Nikki keeps here."


I changed into something suitable for this weather, high waisted shorts, a cropped shirt with a collar and mustache printed on it, suspenders and a black bowtie.

Nikki only had clothes like that, so I decided to choose what I liked the most and throw it on, hopefully she won't mind.

I trotted down the stairs, holding on to the banister so I didn't fall down.

"Hey Jack! I'm re-"

I was interrupted by an extremely loud gasp, Jack had both hands covering his mouth in an adorable fashion and his eyes were wide.

"Go change please." He asked, his voice slightly muffled by his hands.

"Why?" I asked, while raising an eyebrow.

Jack quickly pinned my against the wall, one arm next to my head, and the other hand on the bare skin of my thigh.

"Because I don't think I'll be able to keep my hands off of you." He whispered, he squeezed my thigh and made me whimper softly, no one had ever touched my body like this, I'd always hurt them before they could, Jack is the only one I'd let touch me.

Jack is tearing down my emotional barriers, not to mention my physical ones.

I'm so screwed.

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